Part 4

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Friday morning, as Andi was waiting for class to start, she wasn't paying attention to anybody coming in and out. She always sat alone at the back of the room, so nobody could bother her without making a substantial effort. A few minutes after class begun, Andi remained motionless, staring at her desk and scribbling poetry on a piece of paper--poetry was the only thing other than music that actually made her somewhat happy. Suddenly, a piece of paper was slid under her eyes. She didn't know who it could've come from until she glanced up for a quick moment to see Ashton sitting in front of her, glancing back over his shoulder, letting her know the note was from him.

"I'm sorry about yesterday...I swear I didn't know. Can we talk later?"

She quickly scribbled "whatever fine" on the parchment before crumpling it up and tossing it back to the boy who was getting on her nerves more and more. Why was he sorry? Nobody cared about Andi before...why now?

After 4th hour, Andi made the trek to her locker, hoping to be undisturbed, when she felt a hand grasp her shoulder. It was Ashton.

"Andi, hey. Look, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I didn't know what was going on...I try to stay away from all the drama. Are people really sending you...razor blades?" That last bit said in a nervous whisper.

"Don't be shy about it, everybody knows. Yes, they really are. And honestly, why do you even care? It's not like you know me or anything."

"I may not know you, but I want to. You seem like a good person, and you're talented, and you shouldn't have to deal with stuff like this. You really shouldn't."

"Well, that's a nice thought, but I'm not really in the market for a "don't mess with her" advocate. It won't stop them, anyway."

"Then maybe you could use a friend."

With his words, Ashton smirked, watching as Andi turned her face away, looking back to her locker. She felt something she hadn't felt in a long time...she felt necessary, like somebody actually cared about her. But she wasn't going to let Ashton see that...not yet.

After last hour, which was music, Ashton waited for Andi at the door. At the sight of him, she immediately pulled her sleeves over her hands, wrapping her arms around her stomach. She was greeted with a smile and a kind hello. As they walked home, the space they had originally placed between themselves shrunk, and Andi's hands moved from her sides, her grip loosening on her sleeves. She didn't smile, or laugh, but she talked. For the first time in a long time, she had a conversation with somebody. He was full of laughter and smiles the entire walk home.

As they drew closer to Andi's house, there was a tangible tension building. Andi really didn't want to walk back into her house, didn't want to see her mom, and she started to tense up. Her breath slowly began to hitch in her throat and her body tightened, her hands returning to their defensive position around her waist. Ashton noticed her reaction and immediately asked, "Hey, want to come over and do homework? I just live two doors down."

Andi, relieved, said yes, and they continued their walk. Andi sent a text to her mom when they got to Ashton's that said she was studying with a friend. All she could say was "be home by 11. No later." She didn't really care what Andi did as long as it wouldn't embarrass her, so it was no surprise that her response was so short.

As they approached Ashton's front door, he reached for his keys, and, opening the door, said "Welcome to chateau Irwin. My room is down the hall, first door on the right. Make yourself at home." With that he smiled, and she made her way down the hall, a small light returning to her empty eyes. Ashton saw it, and a warm feeling came over him, happy that he could help her in some small way.

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