Part 10

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"You want to what?!" Andi asked, shocked at Ashton's words.

"I want to meet her, Andi. I want her to see that I'm not going anywhere, no matter what she thinks or wants. I want her to see that her daughter is absolutely amazing, and that somebody really does care for you. I want to show her that she's wrong. And I want to do it today."

"Ash...are you sure about this? Like really sure?"

With the nod of his head, Andi's heart began to race. She had to introduce her boyfriend--her sweet, kind, warm-hearted boyfriend--to her rotten step-mother. And she would have to do it in 3 short hours.

The pair spent the remainder of the afternoon cuddled up on Ashton's bed watching YouTube videos, stealing the gentlest of kisses every few moments. When their 3 hours were up, Andi gathered up her schoolwork and they began the walk back to her house--a walk that seemed three times it's normal length this time. When they finally reached Andi's house, Ashton took her small hand in his and kissed her cheek, reassuring her that everything would be okay.

When they walked through Andi's front door, her mother was seated stoically on the couch, staring as they approached. Ashton couldn't help but notice the chill in the room. If you didn't know Andi, you would think she didn't exist. There were no photos of her in the house, the walls were a bare beige color, and the carpet was brown and dull. Andi's mom stood up from the couch and quietly stalked over to the two, staring at their intertwined hands. Andi immediately froze, her eyes falling to the floor, one arm wrapping around her waist, the other stiffening as she gripped Ashton's hand tightly.

"I'm Margaret, Andi's step mom. Who are you?" She coldly said to the nervous boy.

"I'm Ashton. It's lovely to meet you," he said, inching closer to Andi, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"So are you guys having sex?"

With a shocked expression, Ashton coughed and shook his head. "No, ma'am. We're barely dating. We have not done...that."

"Well, Ashton, that's probably all she's good for. So, get it while you can. I'd hate to see you fall in love with her and then have her melodramatically kill herself or some shit."

At her words, Andi shrunk into Ashton's side, and his eyes widened. "Excuse me, Margaret. Your daughter is an incredible human being, and you really shouldn't say those things about her. She's beautiful, and intelligent, and talented, and I'm in love with her. I'm not letting her go, and I'm not going to let you terrorize her anymore."

At his words, Andi's head snapped up. She immediately shrunk back down when she saw her mother's enraged eyes.

"Get out. Both of you. Andi Marie Richardson, you are not welcome in this house. At least not right now. Get your shit out of my house and get out. And Ashton, you are just as idiotic as this bitch is if you think she's worth something. You'd be wise to stay away from her, but yet again you don't seem wise. Goodbye."

With her words, she slowly walked out of the room. Leaving Ashton standing shocked, and Andi with a tear in her eye. Andi ran up the stairs to her room, attempting to slam the door before Ashton caught up to her. She let her tears fall as she packed up as much of her clothes and accessories into a duffle before collapsing onto the floor. Ashton slowly walked up to her, sat by her side, and hugged her. He softly whispered apologies into her ear, running his hand through her hair and over her back, trying to calm her down.

She suddenly stood, wiped her eyes, and collected the last of her things. She walked out of her house, Ashton following behind her at a quick pace. She got about half way between her house and Ashton's before he caught up to her. He grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"Andi...Andi I'm so sorry. I had no clue that would happen. Please...please forgive me. And know that you can stay with me. My mom will be okay with it. Please. I...I am so sorry."

" told her you're in love with me. Why would you say that?! Ashton you don't even know me! You don't know anything about me! Why would you lie like that?!"

"I wasn't lying Andi. I know that I don't know you, and you don't know me either. But I know how I feel. And I know that with you I don't have to pretend. The way I feel around you...I've only felt that one other time and that's when I sit behind a drum kit. I wouldn't trade you for the world. And I'll should it to the world if I have to! I'll start with this street! PEOPLE OF ELM STREET!" He began yelling, "I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS GIRL! I--"

He was cut off as Andi ran into his arms, tears falling down her face. They laughed for a moment before Ashton placed his hand gently on her cheek, wiping away the last tear that had escaped. He gently placed a kiss to her lips before she spoke, quietly this time. "Ashton...where am I going to go? What...what do I do now?"

"You're coming home with me, Andi. You'll stay with me."

With his words, he took her hand, placed a kiss to her forehead, and they walked to his house. His mom agreed to let her stay as long as she needed, so long as they didn't sleep in the same room, and they were separated by 11 pm. With a tearful thank you, Andi hugged Anne. This was the first time she had felt truly loved by another person, and there was nothing she would trade that for.

At 10:59 pm, Ashton kissed Andi goodnight, whispered "I love you" into her ear, and quietly left the room, closing the door behind him. Andi fell to her new bed in the Irwin Family Guest Room before softly muttering "I love you, Ashton. Thank you for loving me when no one else would." With a smile on her face and a tear in her eye, she fell asleep, knowing that tomorrow would be a better day. With a smile on his face and a tear in his eye, he walked to his room and got into bed, knowing that she loved him back.

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