Part 8

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Ashton held on to Andi tightly, never wanting to let go. They sat in each other's embrace for what felt like hours. After finally letting go, they continued their walk to school, Ashton wrapping his arms around Andi, not wanting to let her go. They didn't have any classes together until music, which was last hour, so when they arrived on campus, Ashton left Andi with a kiss to the forehead and one last hug. She left him with the slightest smile, one mostly noticeable because of the twinkle in her eye, something Ashton had fallen in love with seeing.

They both drifted from class to class, anxiously awaiting music class, which was right after their lunch hour. Ashton stood beside the classroom door and burst into a smile instantly at the sight of Andi's bouncing hair and familiar sweater.

"Hello, love. Ready for our performance," he asked, placing a rapid kiss on her cheek.

"I mean...I've never had to sing in front of I'm nervous. But with you by my side I should be okay," she responded, returning the kiss.

"Well, let's go then!"

They walked into the room and sat together, near the back of the class so they could hold hands without anybody really noticing. After a ton of cheesy performances based on childhood memories, Mr. Phillips called Andi and Ashton to the front of the class. Ashton was in charge of explaining their song choice, because Andi was nervous about speaking in front of her classmates. "We're going to be playing, and singing Fix You by Cold Play, because everybody needs somebody in this world who cares enough to see you smile again, at least once. I know you've never heard us sing, but we wanted to take a risk, so here goes nothing."

And with that, they began. The first verse of the song was purely instrumental, Andi's eyes closing as she played her clarinet, retreating to a world all of her own, Ashton watching in amazement as he sat atop his cajon. When the first verse ended, Ashton began singing the chorus, waiting for Andi to join in.

She finally entered as they sang together, "Lights will guide you home/And ignite your bones/And I will try to fix you." They continued through the rest of the song, harmonizing together before they sang the last chorus in unison, looking at each other the entire time.

When the song ended, they just sat in silence, in their own little world where nobody else existed. Then, without notice, the whole room burst into applause, Mr. Phillips approaching the pair before saying, "Thank you, guys. You actually made this mean something, and it was beautiful. And Andi, you should really sing more often. That"

With that, class ended. People lingered in the room, some to hug Andi and Ashton--well mostly Ashton, though Andi did get some acknowledgement--while some were simply talking about the day and their performance. Andi happened to hear one of Alana's friends, Trisha, say, "wow I wish Alana were here...if she knew the hurt she really caused maybe she wouldn't be so rotten."

She stopped short when she saw Andi listening before she got up and walked over. "Andi, I'm really sorry about everything I've done to you. I never should've said or done any of those things. I guess I didn't realize that it would actually affect someone...I'm really sorry."

"Thank you, Trisha. That means a lot. It was never really you that got to me though, we both know that. But thank you, anyway."

Ashton walked over and wrapped his arms around Andi's waist before looking at Trisha. "So, are you going to run to Alana now and talk shit? Or can we trust that you actually have some small version of a heart," the boy asked, Trisha obviously thrown off by his words.

"I'm not going to say anything to her. I'm not even so sure I'm going to talk to her today...or ever. And you guys are really cute, by the way." With a smirk, Trisha left the room, Ashton and Andi leaving just a few moments after.

"So we're apparently the cutest couple ever," Ashton said, nudging Andi as they made the trek back to their houses.

"So we're a couple now?"

"I actually meant to talk to you about that. Andi," he turned to face her, stopping their path for a moment, "would you like to, maybe...I don't my girlfriend? I really do like you, and you're an amazing human being, and I don't want you to be alone in all this craziness anymore."

Andi just stared at Ashton as her eyes filled with tears. Ashton looked at her expectantly before she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. She muttered a small "yes" before letting a tear cascade down her cheek. When they finally separated, Ashton wiped her tears with his thumb, lifting her chin so they were looking at each other before lowering his face to hers before placing a gentle kiss to her lips before wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging her tightly, lifting her slightly off the ground, eliciting a small giggle. After he placed her back on the ground, they resumed their walk home.

Suddenly, Andi froze as a car passed by, the woman in the drivers seat wearing an overly angry expression, leaving Ashton to watch her with a puzzled look on his face, a furrow in his brow. When the woman had turned the corner, Andi coughed out the breath she had been holding, the following breaths quickening, her hand slipping out of Ashton's and around her waist before she began walking home, tears freely falling in a panic.

Ashton ran to catch up to her. "Andi what's wrong? Who was that?" He stepped in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulders to catch her attention. "Andi, love, who was that? What's going on?"

She caught her breath, looked up into her boyfriend's eyes, and said, "That was my step-mom."

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