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I sat on a small chair by the huge barricaded,  white window. I watched the rain drops run rapidly against the smooth glass, one by one; racing each other down with content. The scenery of the maple trees filled with orangey fall colors now blurred by endless streams of water falling from the sky. 

I breathed in deeply, breathing in the scent of hospital and mental sickness in the air; which was a smell I was bound to get use to for a few months, maybe years. Who even knows. 

Its been a week since me and Zack drove two hours just to go towards the border of Washington and Oregon, luckily we didnt live too up state, if not Id cry myself to sleep, haha. But I guess the trip was worth it, this whole place is worth it I mean. Everyone has been more than nice so far, and luckily there hasn't been any traumatic experiences to make us have second thoughts. The nurses treat us like normal people unlike the small group therapy instructors who always shouted at us for no god dang reason.

Zack has been more happier lately, he's been roaming around the facility, making a few new friends here and there. I guess he's taken the advice from Arielle's note, he's learning to smile more and not give a shit..and that cant help me think that Arielle would be so proud of him. Me on the other hand, the only places I go are the game room, the cafeteria and the therapists office, other than that, I stay in my room, marveling at the cool map design on the ceiling above us. 

One of the nurses said that we could hang anything on the ceiling, it was our map, our world to pretend we live in. Guess what was the first thing we hung right in the middle of the ceiling.. 


 We cant draw for shit aha, so we decided to print out a picture of her I took from my phone, so she could look down upon us with a smile.When ever I feel a bit of loneliness creep into my skin I look up, and marvel at the face I once loved to see..even if it wasn't for too long. 

I guess we can say I'm still not up for recovery yet, my veins still crave the sense of numbness the pain pills bring me. And I just cant help but staying cooped up inside this huge room, restraining myself from the people out side this four walled box, people just like me. 

I don't know if I'll ever snap out of this state I'm currently in, I- 

"ELI ELI ELI!" I heard Zack's strong accented voice chirped, echoing in the vast room. I whipped my head towards the door only to see Zack flash me a wide grin, a small book back slumped around his bare shoulder. 

"You are never going to guess who I convinced to come stay with us." He stated, a bit of enthusiasm in his deep voice. I narrowed my hazel orbs at him, wondering what crazy idea or deed he has done.  

"Zachary what the hell are you talking about" 

"Wait for iiiit. Eddie! Come on in buddy!" He exclaimed, yelling out the door, where Eddie the small scrawny kid from the old group therapy stepped in the room. A surprised smile extended on my lips, a part of me happy to see him here. 

"Hiya!" Eddie greeted and I let out a small gasp in amusement. 

"No way, Eddie man! So good to see you here!" I say standing up from the small chair to give the short kid a hug. He let out a few chuckles as I pulled away, his green eyes wandering around the blue colored room."Isn't this cool? I begged for them to transfer him over here with us, and surprisingly they let him go. He's out new room mate!" Zack chirped again and I shook my head , letting out a few chuckles. 

"Are you sure there can be three people in one room?" I questioned and Eddie gave Zack a worried look. Zack rolled his green orbs and then gave me a glare. "Oh who cares, if he cant we'll sneak him in ha. Now come Eddie I'm gonna show you around" 

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