14 : in-laws

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"Good morning Hyung!", Jae Hyun cheerfully greeted me. He was standing at the doorway wearing a plain white T-shirt, blue short pants, along with a backpack over his shoulder.

"Good morning Jae Hyun, come in", I gestured, He looked hesitant at first but slowly step inside the bedroom. He walked toward me slowly and stopped just right beside me. "Nonna woke me up this morning and told me that we are going out today. Where are we going Hyung?", Jae Hyun asked, tilting his head up to look at me. "We are going to meet my parents", I replied while styling my hair to the perfect texture. "Ah, Hyung's parents", Jae Hyun mumbled.

"Yes, my parents", I repeat. After a while, I noticed that Jae Hyun looks rather bothered about something, He was still standing beside me at this moment but he was staring down the floor, fidgeting his finger around. "What's wrong", I caressed his shoulder, he tilted his head once again and asked, "What should I called Hyung's parents?".

"Hmmm, how about halmeoni and hal-abeoji?", I answered, smiling at him sweetly. Jae Hyun breath hitched and his eyes twinkled in awe. "Halmeoni and hal-abeoji?", he repeats softly. "Since you are under my care, technically, my parents are your grandparents", I explained further. His lips curled upwards instantly.

"My grandparents...", He mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

I may seem cool and tough on the outside, but I am struggling to keep myself from pinching Jae Hyun's cheek because of his overload cuteness at the moment.

"Come on, Let's go and meet your grandparents", With his little hand firmly covered by my grip, we leave the room and walked to the hallway which leads us to the living room. There, Hana was standing in front of the windows with her phone plastered by her ear, "Noted Rachel, See you in Jeju", Hana ended the phone call.

She is going to Jeju?


"We are here!", I announced, turning my head to the backseat. There sits Jae Hyun who looks a little bit nervous. "Are you ready?", I asked, he nodded his head and grin from ear to ear.

From the corner of my eyes, I can feel the strong sensation stare coming from Hana. I swiftly turned my head to face her and leaned forward.

She hastily leaned away from me, avoiding my eye contact. "Can I be your FBI agent? Cause I'd love to stare into your eyes all day long", her face quickly turned tomato-red and I decided to tease her even further. "You look cuter when you are blushing, are you planning to make me fall harder for you again?", my hand naturally reached out and slowly patted her head.

In a second, she quickly regained her sense and slapped my hand away, "Yah! First warning or else I will terminate our agreement!", She hissed and without any hesitation, she opens the car door and walked out.

I can't believe that I actually followed their advice and end up pissing her off even more. I need to have a talk with the member about this.

I sighed and turned off the car engine. "Arg, I am so bad in this", I groaned. "You just need more extra training Hyung", Jae Hyun spoke from the back. Dang it, I forgot that Jae Hyun is still here. I just embarrassed myself by being flirtatious in front of an 8 years-old boy. "It's okay Hyung, I can help you with your skills", He continued.

Madam Kim

"They are here!", I announced loudly, from the distance I heard Hana's mother, Min Kyung squealed in excitement. She ran toward me with a spatula in her hand, "Omo-omo, Is that the little boy that your son-, wait I mean my future son-in-law is taking care of?", She asked. "Yes! His name is Jae Hyun", I replied. We observed in silence as Hana hold the little boy's hand and walk away from Suho's car.

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