wow beautiful egg!

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So all the new Dragon riders came together and followed Paul to the egg tower. I quickly made my way to the front and quickly but efficiently hit Paul in the side hard enough that he doubled over briefly. He said " what was that for?"

I said "really, don't remember you put my hood down? I wanted to go for a little while before everyone else knew who I was! At least till I had their respect!" "Butt." I wished the last one, and just chuckeled.

Paul straighten back up and continued to walk forward towards the eggs. About another 10 min. before he stopped in front of a big door. Again it had lots of writing on it, but for some reason I understand it. I said "too all who enter be of pure heart and sound mind, the greatest gift will be given... A partner in life and in death."

Paul turned quickly and ask "were did you hear that from?"

I said "I didn't, it's written right there on the door."

"Ok, I guess I can't say anything from you, you did read the door at your room too so this makes since." He said.

Then he turned back towards everyone else and said this "this is wee I leave you. You will go in, and look for your dragon. Once you have them please exit the other end and stand by the wall for further details."

"How do we tell it's our Dragon?" Someone asked.

"You'll just know. Now go on guys and girl." Paul answered.

So I allowed everyone else to go forward before I stepped through the door. As soon as I got inside, I felt a woosh go past me like a ton of air. Once that was done, I began to feel a tug through my chest towards a room off to the side. As I proceeded to the door, I took in effect what was around it... It look very old like all the other doors, but it had a gleam of purple and blue on the door. Also it didn't look like anyone has opened it in a very long time.

Once I got to the door, I looked up and again read the door..."to Hume this door opens will be the one to save all, their bond will be the test of time and distance, only the purest and honest person can open this door. He who dose will be the ruler over all."

Huh I question, do I really want to open that door? I thought to myself. As I was thinking that, the tug on my chest had streghthend to an almost painful experience. So I decided right then, to open the door and come what may go inside it.

As soon as I opened the door, with little effort again. I looked inside and quickly put my eyes on the podeume were a single egg rested. It was incased in sun light too keep it warm till I guess came to accuire it. It was a beautiful egg... The colors were purple and blue. I quickly gravitated to the egg and proceeded to pick it up.

As soon as I did a voice come in my head... "Finally you came for me! It took you long enough!"

"Whose there?" I asked.

"Why who do you think? It's me in the egg here." It chuckuled.

"Oh ok let's get out of here." I responded.

So I made my way to the exit and stood by the wall looking at all the other eggs. Most were primary colors, there were a few pastel colors too but non were two tone like mine, Hume.

Paul made his way over to us and said "well it looks like everyone is here and has their dragons. Let's make our way to the hatching chamber."

So that is what we did, we entered and proceeded to pick our nest. The funny thing is that Paul said it would take from an hour up to a full day for them to hatch, but as soon as mine touched the hay it creaked open, and started to sqake and look around till he looked at me. As soon as he did he rushed over to me almost flying over to get to me.

I opened my arms wide and cought him in them, slowly petting his head. I asked him what his name was and how I knew he was a boy was beyond me so I didn't think on it too much. He told me his name was Hercules. So I said his name to everyone there was Hercules. He was gorgeous. He had beautiful blue and purple wings and body. He truly looked like a Hercules.

While I was admiring Hercules, Paul came up to me and bowed before standing straight up again and commenting, "wow that was the quickest hatching ever. And hes beautiful, the bodiment of Hercules the king of Dragons. For he is the rightful king, and as his rider you are the rightful queen of the dragon riders."

After he said that everyone bowed their heads at me. This is a little freaky for me but Hercules conferted me and said "all is ok young one we will be together through this."

So I agree with him and kept quite while this was going on. Paul then told me to go ahead and head out to explore the grounds. So I did just that, of course with Hercules on my shoulder.

We explored the entire grounds. There was a fighting arena were others was practicing swordmenship, and hand to hand battles. There was a lot of classes, and there were alot off places for dragons to take off from all around the building and on the roofs too.

"I can't wait to fly, and have you fly with me too." Said Hercules.

"I know what you mean, I can't wait to. I bet it's going to be amazing." I answered back.

As we kept passing other dragons, they kept bowing to us. It felt a little weird but I will have to get use to it, and quickly.

It took almost the whole day to look around, but once we were done it was time for supper, so I headed to the cafeteria. As we entered there was a hush, we looked behind us then back at them when the headmaster... What was his name? Stood up and said "we have finally been allowed to have our king with us. Gentlemen please stand and bow to Hercules and his rider Christina."

With that said everyone did stand up and bowed to us as well as started to clap too. So much for trying to have little attention to me. The headmaster whose name I found out was Charles, asked that I sit up front with him and the other teachers. So I did. After supper though I quickly made my way to my room and promptly went to sleep without clothes off.

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