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"Brother..?" I asked.

I was stunned, here standing in front of me is my elder brother.  Alive and well. How is this possible? There was blood everywhere,  there was no way in the world that he could have survived.  And on top of that why is he evil?

He laughed at me and said "yep it's me, surprise.  Missed me much?"

"What happened to you? We were so close, why are you doing this?"

"Well when I was 13 and you were 5yes we were close. I loved you so much then. But the night before I left for the hunting something happened.  You were angry with something that mom said and all of a sudden the glass all around broke apart.  I was shocked and so was mom. We quickly took you into the other room and played with you too calm you down.  When. We finally put you to bed mom andi was talking and she told me about our family history orparts of it. To say I was upset knowing that you were going to be the queen and I was nothing really took me by surprise. "

"The next day I gave you a hug bye like normal and then left to go hunting.  While I was gone I heard the voice leading me to a cave I never saw before. When I entered it, it was like i knew what i was supposed to do.  So i faked my death and started all this! And now I know this is what I was supposed to do.  So are you sure you can defeat me sis?" He finished with a laugh.

"If I have too so be it, I will change you back to the sweet brother I had Markus." I said back with all authority I had in me.

I was hoping that Hercules would come barreling around the corner and help me but I was wrong, he was helping out with the younger guys. So I knew it was just us. So I brought up my sword and got into my defensive position.  I waited for him to do the same thing.

He looked at me and laughed.  "Are you sure?" He saw I was not going to move so he brought out his sword and stood in his position. 

My sword started to glow and in turn I started to glow as well. Out of no where I began to talk to markus in a voice i didn't think I had.

"DeMarcus,  do you really think that you can win this time? I defeated you before.  I can beat you again,  nothing will change. Why dont you leave them alone and come back with me to the house. Mom is still waiting to see you again.  She misses you. " we said.

Huh this is weird but comforting all the same. I knew who the voice was when she started to talk to him.

"No I will win and I will be king of the dragon riders and dragons themselves. Now lest see how our grand kids can do." He yelled back.

When he was done yelling he ran towards me and started to swing his soward towards my head.

He's went to swing his sword at my head. I ducked, then I swung my sword to his head. He ducked, we clashed our swords back and Fourth. couldn't get any ground from each other.

This went on for some time back and forth clashing, striking, ducking, we couldn't get any ground. Until he happen to slip, and I swung my sword at his head, and chopped off some of his hair.

I didn't let him have a break. I kept swinging my sword. We clashed our swords quite often, but I ended up slashing him up. He kept having scratches and cuts all over him to a point where he kept messing up.

Once he fell again, I was over him with my sword to his neck. We were both breathing very hard. I didn't see that we had an audience around us. Hercules was waiting to see if I would need his help but otherwise he kept out of it.

"Well you got me this time, but you won't win the war!" He said

Watch out Christina


Before I knew it, there was smoke coming all around us. I kept swinging my arm and sword around to dissipate the smoke from us so that I can see. When it finally cleared up he was gone! I looked everywhere and couldn't find him and neither could Hercules.  He just disappeared.

I looked at everyone that was in that clearing. They all had shocked looks onto their faces. It's like the couldn't believe that I did that. It wasn't till headmaster charles made everyone to head back to the academy.  As the were leaving I headed towards Charles. 

With Hercules besides me we walked in silence for a few minutes.  Until I finally asked...

"So how many did we lose and how bad is the academy?"

"We didn't lose any wich is weird, it was like they weren't there to destroy but more like distract. We had a little bit of destruction done but not much. We can still go about our lives for now. How are you handling this? I know that was your brother.  Are you sure you're ok?"

"I dont know what I feel right now about this situation. For years I thought he was dead and now I see hes alive and wants me dead. How am I supposed to handle this?" I asked.

You have me here, together we can do anything and handle anything as well.

Thank you Hercules.  With you here with me I know I can handle anything.

"Well we'll figure everything out later, right now we have to get the students back to normal.  I think well be ok for a little bit,  you made it to were we have some time before he comes back. Thank you.  Thank you for doing this and fighting your family for us to have a happy life. Not everyone can do that, so thank you. " he said.

"You're welcome.  We just have to get back to life again. "

"Yep you're right."


Alright everybody,  hate ti say this but that's the end of the first book! Tell me what yall thought of it. I will be posting when I have the next book started. I'm hoping for 2 to 3 books out of this.

Also I'm hoping all yall are doing well with the crazy things that are happening right now in the world. Please stay safe and healthy. And THANK YOU for all the reads this book has gotten.  Over a 1000 now. Thank you.

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