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at the dragon fortrest:

"Christian what are you doing now?" Said an exsaprated sam.

" Something cought my eye out here." I said back as I was heading for the forest.

As I was entering the forest, I heard a sound that sounded to close for comfort. I went further and heard a grone, when I turned the corner and looked behind a huge tree, I found a small boy laying down in the grass. It looked like he was badly hurt. So as quickly and as softly as I could I picked him up and he added to the nurse's office.

When I got there, the nurse told me to lay the bot on the table and to leave, that she will let me know when he wakes up.

So I eft her office, I was pondering what had happened to the boy to make him come here of all places. Also how did he get here? I know that the only way is if you have a dragon or part of a family who has a dragon rider. Makes you wonder, I just hope everything is ok, but I have a really bad feeling about this. Well nothing I can do right now till he wakes up, might as well go to spar with Richard on Hercul.

Battling on Hercul is way different than on the ground. About 4 months ago when I first came here, I could bearly stay on Hercul and swing the sword. Now I can fight while on his tail which is way cool, and totally advance manuver. What's even better is when I'm battling Richard who has tought me this manuver. He always grumbles after our fights, saying why did I ever show her to fight on her dragon? I laugh cause we both know that I had to learn no matter what.

See after that class in history the headmaster has made me train with Sam, Richard, Robert, Paul. Richard covers fighting on ground and air, Sam teaches me how to take care of Hercul, Robert shows me how to make my own armor. I love that very much, mostly everyone else just gets there armor from the black Smith but I wanted to know and Robert is an expert so he's training me. He says I'm a natural at crafting anything from metal. Then there is Paul, he's a little weird but he trains my brain on strategy and world news too.

I have seen the guys I can to the fort with a few times, mostly at lunch and dinner times, but they understand. Oh and get this , you know the kd who tried to get me out of here? Well he's become my biggest supporter and if he hears anyone bad mouthing me, he jumps right in to defend me. I think its sweet but don't tell him that. Also I might have a small crush on him but I will never tell him.

As I was finishing up my class with Richard, Keven came ate running like his life depended on it. I quickly put my sword back in it's scuberd and landed Hercul so that I can talk to Kevin.

As soon as I did Kevin rushed to me and said, "christian, Charles is asking for you in the nurse's office. It's about the boy, he woke up and is talking about an ambush."

"I'm on my way now." I told him as I ran in that direction.

As I made it to the nurse's office, I knocked on the door and waited to be asked to come in. When Charles said enter I did. As i entered the office, the boy was sitting up and was crying his heart out. I quickly made my way to h and sat on the bed, and pulled him into my lap. He told me his name was John,  and I told him my name and it was nice to meet him. After that was said he went into detail about the attack on his village and a few others too.

He was crying so hard through all that he relaid to us. He said he thinks he's the only one who made it out alive from his village. As he was explaining everything to us I was rubbing his back to help him talk through everything. I was crying softly. I didn't want him to see me so I dried my tears before he could see them.

He was saying that someone was distroying the villages that are far away from the dragon fortrest so that it was harder to get word to them for help. I was mad when he said this. I looked towards Charles and found that his normally calm self was having trouble staying calm. I spoke up and said," hey John why don't you go ahead and take a nap. We'll be back when you wake up, ok?"

He agreed, and laid down while me and Charles left the room to talk. When we left I closed the door so that he couldn't hear us talk. As soon as I knew the door was closed I asked him... "What are we going to do? I want to go and avenge them but we have to talk strategy. What are your orders?"


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