huh someone dosent like me

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The next day when I woke up,and was getting ready for classes, I saw a note on the floor by my door. I picked it up and read what is said: 

Dear Christian,
  I know you don't know me but I am well aware of who you are and who you were! I was there in the beginning, when life was fun. The Dragons and humans hated each other and there was wonderful fighting everyday!

Why don't we go back to the good old days? I know you remember them. You proved it when you mentioned what really happened all those years ago. I did my best to wipe out the memory of you back than but you being an ass- man was a pain in my butt.

So I am just warning you now. Get in my way again and there will be more than your family this time that will suffer. I took it easy on you last time but not this time! Mark my words, you get in the way and you won't have a future with"kevin$ or your dragon either! And yes I know you're dragon is the king and all but so was your other one too and you saw what happened to him, so all I'm saying is try me!

Signed your worse enimy,

P.s. how do you like my work so far with the villages? Haha so much fun and so little time to do it.

I re-read the note again, just to make sure I read it right. Everytime I read it, just made me all the madder. I really didn't know how it happened but all of a sudden my mirror busted into tiny pieces. That shocked me enough to get a move on it and headed towards Charles to show him the note and to try to calm down, and also try to figure out what happened to my mirror.

As I was making my way across the square, Hercul jumped in front of me. I stopped quickly and looked up at him. He was looking at me and asked...

"Are you ok? Your really angry right now and that could be dangerous. You need to calm down right now."

I explained what I had found and in doing so this helped to calm me down. By the time I was done explaining to hercul he was angry too, cause he remembers what happened wail I just remembered a little as I get older.

I had to calm him down now instead of the other way around. After a while he finally calms enough down so that I can proceed to Charles, and see what he thinks about it. Maybe get some answers too cause Hercul here won't give any to me, about the accident in my room.

So finally I leave Hercul alone and get to Charles office. I knocked on the door and this time I waited. Didn't want to get in trouble again in such a short time.

He answered the door and beckend me towards the sofa instead of the chairs. I finally got comfortable and gave the note to Charles. I was watching his body language wail he read it. It really does seem to be a shock to him. He actually has a mask on so no emotions can leak out, but I can tell what he's thinking for some reason.

It's really starting to freak me out right now. What is happening to me? I was already weird now add this stuff too and no one will want to be close to me.

It was a few minutes later that Charles was done reading the note. He paused to think what it means than he opened his mouth and said something I wasn't expecting to hear.

"Well one thing thank you for giving this note to me. Also I kinda figured it was coming soon but not this early. Yes I know who this is that sent this to you. And I also know what is going on with you. You are getting your powers that you share with hercules. It will get better to control but before that you have to go train with a powerful mage."


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