ya i already knew that.

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"I found information from Henry's office that was about you and your connection with the darkness!"  Kevin said.

"Ok spell." I motioned with my hand towards the comfy chair while I sat on the bed.

" Ok so the papers I saw this on was really old. It was all yellow and crumbly. Anyways, I was reading really fast so I don't know to much but it said that it was Aaron's brother and Aaron was from your bloodline!"

Huh well I guess it won't stay hidden for long huh Hercul?  I asked

Nope you'll have to tell him sooner than later I think, also I believe he is very trustworthy, so go ahead.

"Kevin, oh I already found that out just today, from aaron." I wispered the last part so that he doesn't hear it.

"Huh? How?"

"Well it's a long story, let me sound proof the room real quick."

He nodded his head for me to continue. I closed my eyes and lifted my hands just like Aaron showed me earlyer when we were talking. When I was sure no one can hear us and we could hear if anyone is outside our door, I continued to let Kevin in on how I knew that. From me receiving the book, to meeting Aaron. And that she was a girl and not a guy like everyone else was told.

Once I finished explaining what's happened so far, I stopped talking and watched Kevin take it all in. Hey was wide eyed for a few minutes, to a point I was trying to keep from laughing at him. It was hard for both me and Hercul. After about 5 minutes, he calmed down and started to talk.

"Wow! I could not see that coming at all. To think Aaron was a girl and not a guy is one thing, but to be a derict decindent of her. Wow. Ok, ok so we know that your her great grand daughter, and the original darkness was her brother. Who do you think it is now? It couldn't be her brother anymore right. That's a little impossible right?" He asked a little dumbfounded.

That was the million dollar question right now. But for some reason I know that it's not him. So who could it be? I was thinking on it when there was another knock on the door. I looked up and towards the TV room where there was a hidden camera next to the door. I looked at the TV and saw it was indeed Henry. I told Kevin to hide behind Hercul and don't say anything.

When I knew that no one would be able to see him, I made a move towards the door. When I opened the door Henry was there just about to knock on it again. He stepped back with a look of utter disdain. I looked back at him with a look that said 'what ya want?'

"Yes, sir can I help you?" I asked a little forcefully.

He heard the undertone of the question and raised an eyebrow up at me. He coughed to get the his emotions under control. I guess he didn't like me talking back to him, even in the slightest.

"Yes, did you happen to have seen someone running this way earlyer?" He asked.

"Huh, well not really sure. I have been in my room all day after talking with the headmaster earlyer today. Is there something wrong? Why are you chasing someone? What have they done?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well they broke into my office, and that is punishable by being suspended for a week from school."

"Huh, ok I'll keep my eyes open for them. But are you sure they went this way? There are no other rooms here and you are welcome to come in to see if they are here." I commented, hoping that he just kept moving on.

What I didn't know then was I accidentally used some power from Hercules, to get him to keep going.

"No, that is ok. I trust you. Have a good day." He said in a weird way.

Huh Hercul, what just happened there? I asked while I watched Henry walk back the way he came.

Well for starters, you used some magic to make him take off. Here's the thing though, you didn't get it from me. That was your own power! Hercules said back

"Hey Kevin, I think your ok now. Come out." I said after I closed the door, and putting the sound proof back up.

"Huh, yeah ok, just give me a sec. I got to get around Hercul here."

Hey I'm not that big, am I?

I shook my head no. I was laughing a little bit due to watching Kevin try to get around Hercul. It was funny.

"So what do we do with him now?" Kevin asked when he finally got around Hercul.

I was thinking about that too.

"We have to tell the headmaster what we know right now and see what he wants to do."

"Ok." Kevin replied.


Thank y'all so much for reading and voting for my book. Also thank you for commenting on it as well. It means a lot. Let me know what ya think. I'm trying to update on every weekend but sometimes with holiday season and my bakery I am to busy but I do update at least every other weekend

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