so shes here now?

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Unknown POV:

I have lived for so long waiting for a chance to distroyed all the dragon riders and start back he war that he stopped so long ago! If that war had kept going then both the dragons and the humans would have been deminished enough that I could have been able to rule over both with no problems. But no he had to step in and be the first dragon rider and the king as well. I had to wait to gain strength again.

It took so much time to fester the haterid against the riders again that for a while I didn't think I would be able to gain control. But now with the rage of a few villages that have burned down due to me, that has helped get me the rage I needed to resurface.

I have been planning this take over for thousands of years. Carefully placing people in the right places to make the best distruction. I even found someone in the dragon riders camp who wanted to take over from the headmaster. When I thought it was time to start the take over...  This girl came and claims to be the queen of the dragons. It put a wrinkle​ in my plans for he time being. I had to think of a way to get rid of her. That's where. I was told that a few of the young riders didn't like a girl in their mist.

So I thought that if I harnest the haterid of her, there might be a way to salvage what's happened and still go with my plans of take over. I can't let the king have his way again. I don't think I can come back if I do.  This is an all or nothing now, I have to beat her. I heard that she told everyone the truth of what really happened all those years ago.

I had to erase the history of what happened, bt good news she doesn't remember what she said and doesn't know who really started the war in the first place. I can still hide in my cave for a while, as I make this possible. I'm giving the kid the power he needs to over power this simple girl in this sword fight.

The next day:

I can't believe she had found that blasted sword. I had thought that I got rid of it when herold and his dragon Andre had died in battle. But obviously I didn't, and to have it call her and she's able to use it like she did, how am I going to win. I have to get the people against her, the dragons won't and nowost of the riders won't either.

"Henry we're are you. I need you now!" I called from my mirror in the cave I look in.

"Here master!" Henry said

"We're are we at getting the army together? On people that hate the dragon riders?"

"There coming so far we have about 1000 men and women in the fight against the riders. With more coming with ever village burning. The more time fose by without the riders doing anything about it theore the hate fester and gets stronger." Henry replies back.

" Good how much longer till we have enough to conquer the forest of the riders?" I demanded.

" Not much longer, I say about another 2 to 3 months if they keep coming."

"Good keep feeding be nfo to the headmaster, don't let him find out the truth or it will be troublesome to our plans and you getting your school."

"Ok I will.... Wait a minute... I have to go someone is trying to get my attention.... I'll call back with more intell soon."

After he said that he closed off the broadcast. I looked back at the mirror and had to think what village to hit next to get a bigger army. How about Western dong. It has about 200 people and none were riders there, the perfect place. They already have a dislike of the riders for supposedly not picking them. That will be great, here gose the first fire ball.

He looks on while the village is  burning, he laughs as they. Try to get  message to the dragon riders to help them. He knows they won't cause they don't know whats going on.

As he's watching unbeknowst to him a kid some how gets away and heads to the fortrest to get help.

I decidedly make a POV of the evil that is trying to take over. What do you think? Comment how you like the story so far. Thanks for reading so far.

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