huh what was that?

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*This mirror is in  the forest...*

What the hell was that? And who put it in the forest so close to the fortrest?  I asked Hercules

I have no idea... But I think we might have a trator at the school. I hope not but it's a possibility.  Hercul said

I know what you mean. I just hope if we did they are not higher up. I replied

"Hey Christina, what do you think that was? And who put it there ?" Asked Kevin.

"I don't know but Hercules didn't like it at all. That's why we left in a hurry. We have to tell the headmaster right now. I think time is of the essence." I replied back.

It took us about 30 minutes to get to were we were before in the forest, but it only took us about 10 min to get back to campus. When we landed me and kavin belind to were the headmasters office was. When we got there we quickly knocked on the door and entered without waiting for a come in from him.

Charles was in the room with a gentleman that I haven't seen before but I guess he was someone important. Both of the guys in the room immediately stood up and went to us.

"What is it, what's going on?" Asked the new guy.

"Christina, you know that you have to knock on the door and wait to be let in! I'm in a very important meeting right now.... Can this wait?" Charles asked.

"I'm so sorry for bargain in like this but this is important. I would have waited if this could but I think we need to do something about it now if we can." I explained to Charles.

"Ok I understand. Uh Henry can we pick this up again later?" Charles asked the new guy.

"Sure thing, I'll come back in a little while." Henry said.

As he left the room, he passed me threw the door. When he went by I got this very bad feeling from him. Like he wasn't quite right there. Like slime. I unconsciously shivered, rubbing my hands up and down on my arms. I looked back to the others to see them staring at me in confusion.

"First things first, who was that?" I asked

"He is my head advisor for the last year and the right hand man of the kings army. Once in a while he'll come by and let me know whats going on in the kingdom. This way I can prepare the sinors for there jobs outside of the compound. Why?" He explained to me.

"Well I got a really bad feeling about him... Anyways thanks not why were here. We wanted to tell you what we found in the forest not far from here."

"Ok let me sit down and you can explain to me what ya saw."

So Charles sat behind his desked and singled us to sit too.

When we were all situated, i made a sound proof bubble so no one will be able to hear us talking . After that was down I began to explain what happened in the forest. On the weird mirror and how both of our dragons reacted to it. As we were explaining it I watched Charles body language. He was leaning towards us and was ingaging us through the discussion. He wanted to know what it look like and how it felt when we were close to it.

"It was very uncomfortable being around that mirror. Hercules grabbed me and langed up in the air before anything else happened besides the smoke coming from it. He says he feels like he's felt it somewhere before but couldn't figure out where." I said.

After we were done with the explanation. There was a quite calm in the air around us. I could see that Charles was really thinking about what we said. After about 10 minutes he spoke up.

"Well this dose sound familiar to me but I have to read more in the history books of the school to confirm. Untill then can you let me know we're in the forest you found this mirror at?"

"Sure it was on the west side about a 30 minute ride by dragon." I said.

"Ok how about we discusse this in a few days when after I can do some research."

I agreed with him and Kevin and I left his room after I took down the sound bubble I made. I looked to Kevin and found that he was watching me intently. When he cought me looking back at him he blushed really hard... He kinda looked like a red tomato.

I giggled a little at that. He cough for a second and asked something that I wasn't prepared for....

"Hey Christina... Um I was wondering if you would kinda like to go out with me, like on a date?" He blushed when he asked that question.

"I uh um ...."

Cliff hanger... Got to read the next chapter to find out her answer.

Also here's a contest for all y'all reading this book.... Name the bad guy! Tell me what you want the name of the bad guy to be and the best one will be used in. The book.

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