wow who are you?

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Humph, I exhaled, thanks to a certain dragon jumping on my chest, trying to wake me up.

You could've just yelled wake up I would've heard ya. You didn't have to jump on my chest Hercul.

Yeah I did, you didn't want to wake up. You kept saying 5 more minutes, and I was getting hungry.

Fine I'll get up. I looked at the clock and said 6:25am, then I looked at Hercul, and glared at him. Why this early? I know you're hungry but still it's way early in the morning. He just shrugged his shoulders up and down like it wasn't so godly early in the morning.

So since I was up I quickly got dressed and lowered my arm so Hercul will climb up and rest on my shoulder. It was easier that way instead of waiting for him to walk or fly around after me.

We headed to the cafeteria to get his Majesty so food, and maybe me too. When we got there, there really wasn't many students there, except all the new riders. Everyone of the new riders had there dragons with. I guess all of the dragons were hungry from coming out of the eggs.

So while I was getting Hercul his food and mine, I looked after getting our food for a place to sit and relized that the boys I came in with were waving their hands around trying to get my attention. So I decided to go to their table.

"Hi, I'm sorry about this but can y'all tell me again what y'all's names were." I asked.

"Sure, I'm rich, my dragon is called riko, this is Kenny, his dragon is chase, that there is divid and his dragon is dixi and over there is Tim, his Dragon is sandy." Said rich.

"Is rich short for Richard?" I asked

"Yep, but since there already is a Richard we know ill be called rich." He replied.

"Well ok, I guess y'all know my name. I like y'all's Dragons. They all look healthy and ready to start learning. So is there two boys and two girl Dragons?" I commented.

"Yep, that's usually what happens. But with you, it's a different story. There has never been 5 riders from one town and never a girl. You might have a few issues with some of the guys here. Be careful. We know how you are over the years. We know you could sweep up the floor with most of the boys here. But they don't know that, and they might make it hard for you to train here." Said Kenny.

"I promise I'll be careful. They could try but they won't make it hard for me. Not like hunting in the frozen forest for weeks on end just for a buck or two for the village and home. Nothing is harder than that." I told them

With that said the bell decided to ring, so we started towards our classes. My first is Dragon history. After that it's hand to hand. Than I'm supposed to head to the forest for my magic leasons.

So an hour went by and I looked over at my new friends, I for some reason already knew the history of the dragon riders. But I pretended not to know, until he said that there was never a war between the humans and dragons. I had to speak up then, so I raised my hand. "Yes Christian." Said my stupid teacher.

"Sir, there was a war back in the middle ages. That was just when the first dragon riders appeared. They started to ride the Dragons to help the cause that they are wonderful creatures with amazing abilities and wonderful temperament." I said.

"You are wrong. Now sit down and listen." He yelled at me.

I promptly stood back up and in voice it didn't know I had, said"I'm sorry but you have been give the wrong information. I was there I know what happened. Including the first dragon riders, to before them I was there so I suggest you listen. I will tell you about what happened."

I had everyones attention now. "More than a few thousand years has past but I remember it like it was yesterday. I was out tilling the field for my father, for years the dragons and humans we're at war with each other. I was too young to understand it myself, but I knew that the dragons were very nice and respectful beings. I didn't know why everyone was so afried of them. Well anyways one day when I was old enough I went to town for food through the forest. When I was about half way, I found this beautiful round egg. It had multiple colors on it. I quickly looked around for it's mom, when I couldn't find her I picked it up and headed back home to the barn before anyone found me."

"It took about an hour, but as soon as I stepped into the barn the egg started to hatch. Within seconds, out came an orange and yellow dragon. I was a little taken back but I was not afraid. I became scared due to hearing a voice in my head. I looked around but found no one. Then I looked down at the dragon, he nodded his head at me. His name was Andre. So it just Andre and me Aaron, my dragon was magical. As time went on I grew up, but so did my Dragon. After knowing each other for a while, Andre wanted to head to the mountains were the others were. So I agreed to come with him."

" When we got there, all the dragons there bowed their heads towards us. I asked Andre why they were doing that. He told me that he was the Dragon King. They were also bowing towards me too due to being the first dragon rider. We stayed there for about 10 years. At that time I was well in my thritys. We both knew that if I went now, since I'm older, they might listen to me. So me and Andre left towards the nearest village. As can be expected they thought that I was captured and they were trying to free me from the dragon. When Andre and I told them that everything was fine and that he was a good dragon they were good about after that more and more riders came together and that's how we distroyed the war that no one remembers! So please redo the history books. Thanks." When i was done talking I ended up fainting.

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