will it work?

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"well... I know you want to rush in and avenge the villages and all but that's one thing I can't let you do right now. You are still a first year even though you are very good at defince and offince. But you still haven't had strategy or war training yet, and what will happen to you if you get hurt or your dragon? You still haven't had healing class so that is going to be a big no."


" No, I'm going to have the third years go to check how much damage has been done and to see if there are any other servivors. When they come back, we will be here to find out what they found. Then we will plan. ok?" He asked

"Ok I understand, but will it work?too send out the older students?" I said.

" Yes it will don't worry to much, they know what they are doing."

"Ok I'll work harder to be ready for anything, anyways so no worries here."

With that said between us we left our own ways. As I was walking through the halls not paying attention were I'm going just in my own world. I bumped into Kevin. He looked up at me from the floor, I looked down at him and blushed.

" I'm so sorry, I didn't see were I was going. Are you ok?" I asked

"Yeah no problems, I wasn't looking either. You doing anything right now?" He asked

"Nothing much, just thinking. I'm out of class the rest of the day so I'm just wondering around. Was thinking of going on a ride with Hercul. Why?" I answered back.

" Well I was wondering if you would like company on the ride?" He asked with a blush.

" Sure I'm pretty much sure that Hercul would be ok with it. Let me ask him..."


Yeah what's up chris?

Well Kevin wants to go riding with us if it's ok with you?

Yeah sure I like. His dragon so no biggie.

Ok I'll let him know... Thank buddy

Your welcome, I know how much you like this guy... Like like him...hehe

Now come on stop that, that's not nice.  Blush

"Ok Hercul says it's ok." I told. Kevin

" Ok great I'll be ready in a sec. Meet you outside?"

"Yeah sure see you there."

When we departed each other, I was practically skipping down the hall. Some of the other students was wondering what was going on since I don't normally show so much emotion. But I didn't care I was going for a ride and with the boy who I was crushing on.

As I aproched Hercul outside, he looked at me and just shook his head back and forth.


No nothing, I was just wondering you will be coming down from cloud 9 anytime now?  Hercul asked while rolling his eyes

Yes, now stop picking on me.

I laughed at our conversation. He was having fun at my expense, but that's ok, sometimes he's too serious for his own good. Well it wasn't too long after our talk that Kevin and his dragon showed up for the ride. Kevin and Tress his dragon, me and Hercul all leapt towards the sky with one big jump.

We just was flying for a while, enjoying the wind and peacefulness. Nither one talking, just relaxing. I was looking around, enjoying the sinery, when something cought my eye. I looked down but couldn't see anything so I asked Hercul if he could see anything below us, he saw something but didn't know what. He told me to look again so I did, when I did the subject became clearer and larger.

I didn't know what was going on but I told Kevin the land with me close by. We did and my vision went back to normal. We landed close to the item that cought my eye. We walked to the item to find out it's a mirror.

"What's a mirror doing out here?" I asked Kevin.

"I don't know... It's too big to be flown  here, but i don't see a horse and buggy, or even a road for it to have fallen off of. And if it did come from a buggy, why isn't it broken?" Kevin said.

Christina I have a bad feeling about that mirror. I think we should leave and tell Charles what we found.

Ok I'll tell Kevin

"Hey Kevin, Hercul thinks we should get away from it and head back to the headmasters office." As I said this, the mirror started to change colors.

Hercules grabbed me and Tress grabbed Kevin and leapt towards the sky away fr the mirror.

What was that... Why did you grab me?

There was evil permitting from that mirror. I didn't want you around it.

I looked at Kevin and he was nodding his head to whatever Tress was saying. "Let's go back now" I said, he agreed so we headed back to the fortrest.

the legendary female dragon riderWhere stories live. Discover now