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Unknown pov.

Henry came on the mirror desperately trying to get my attention.

"Yes henry, what's going on now? You look frustrated."

"Someone knows about you.  They went through my desk, and when I tried to fallow them I lost them at the girls room." Henry said in one breath.

"Well did you ask her if she saw anyone? And if not did you check her room?" I asked back trying to stay calm.

"Well yes I did but when I was going to ask to check her room, the strangest thing happened... I couldn't say it.  It was like there was a force telling me to keep going. It was so weird."

Crap she's starting to use her powers, I have to strike now before she learns how to harness those powers and defeat me.

"Ok here's what were going to do.  Were going to start the attack today,  before she figures everything out."

"But sir were not ready yet, we don't have enough people in our army! If we start now we won't win and they'll know about you!" He said

" I don't care right now, she's starting to find her powers and we can't have that happen.  Plus she knows you have a part in this already. " I told him

"Ok I'll gather everyone up and we'll attack today. "

"Good, now leave." I said

He bowed his head and left the mirror.  I guess it's time to see her again.  She'll be shocked that's for sure.

Christina's pov.

As me and Kevin rushed over to the headmaster's office,  I began to think on how to let him know about what his teachers are doing,  without showing evidence.  In case Henry is in the office.

We finally made it across the square and at the headmaster's office.  Kevin looked towards me asking if I could knock on the door instead of him. I nodded my head and proceeded to knock on the door. We didn't have to wait long before there was a 'come in' from the inside.

When we opened the door, I looked around just to make sure no one else was in there. When I knew that it was secured and it was only the three of us, I closed the door and proceeded to soundproof it.  All the while I'm doing this Charles is watching and waiting for me to talk with him.

When I knew no one would be able to hear us, I proceeded to tell Charles everything that we had found out including about me and Aaron.  When I was done we asked what he wanted us to do about this.

"Well, that was a lot of information there. Let me get the jest of it here. You are a descendant of Aaron,  and the darkness, Henry is possibly working with the darkness against us, and you have your own magic.  Am I right? Did i leave anything out?" Charles asked.

" nope but how did you know that I had my own magic?" I asked.

"Easy, I don't know any other dragons who could make a sound proof room like you just did."

"Oh ok I guess  that makes since. Well what are we going to do about this situation?"

"Huh, well first...."

Before he could finish his sentence,  there was a loud bang outside. We quickly stood up and kept to the window to see what was going on. When we got there, it was a battlefield  going on outside.  The older students were fighting with creatures that I didn't know about, and the younger students were running around away from the battle but also not knowing were to go.

"That's it I'm going down there and end this battle now." I said just before I lept from the window.

Behind me I heard screaming of my name before i landed on the ground.  I looked up to the guys at the window and lifted my thumbs up to them, then I ran towards the fighting.

When I go to the field and you won't believe what happened, it was so many people out there. It was ridiculous. Nobody knew what was going on.

I grabbed my sword and started to fight against anybody that was going after me. As I was fighting there seems to be somebody in the background.  Who was it? They were just watching the fighting. It kinda looked like they were waiting for something to happen or someone to get tired.

When I realize that, I quickly finished the thing I was fighting with and made my way towards the person in the background.  As I was approaching the person, they kept backing up towards the woods. Finally after what seemed like an hour they stopped.  I looked around and realized no one else was around us. We were by ourselves here. I was about to ask what's going on,  when the person started to talk.

"Well Christina, you have changed since the last time I saw ya. " he said.

"Who are you!" I yelled. I was tired of people thinking that they knew me.

"Well it's sad when you're own sister dosen't remember you but I understand.  I have changed quite a lot. You know being the leader of the darkness and all." He was grinning throughout his speach.


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