huh, you expect differently?

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Well as soon as we got started, there was a clinking sound, as our swords clashed. At the beginning there was no way to see who would win but after 5min you could tell.

I slashed left and he blocked. He swong right and blocked. I stabbed, then slashed then stabbed again, he blocked most except for the last one. I had to pull to the right at the last minute so I didn't stab him in the middle. He looked shocked but recovered pretty quickly.

After about 10min of us at each other throats, I wanted to get this over with so I manuvered closer to him and thrusted right at him. I did that quickly, were it was hard for him to get his footing back in place. He fell trying to dodge the attack. I went with him to disarm him.

His sword landed about 15feet from him, while my sword was in his face. He was breathing fast while I was bearly breathing hard.  After a few mins like that I let him stand back up. He went and knelt down in front of me.

He said "I have been bested by the queen of us dragon riders. I would like to pledge my life to you. Do as you seem fit."

I told him "raise and return to your dragon."

He did as I said, while this was going on, the crowd was watching in awestruck. They couldn't believe that their best swordmen in the school was bested by one, a first year and two, by a girl! Not to mention that I'm supposed to be the queen over them.

When he left I took in a breath and let it out, I said "is there anyone else who would like to try me at combat? Is there any among you who still thinks I'm just some lowly girl? Speak up now or forever be quite!"

There was some movement but other than that no one said anything. I dismissed everyone from the field. I put my sword back in its scuberd. I was looking for my dragon when someone blew air on my neck. I laughed and turned around to see my wonderful dragon sitting behind me.

He told me "amazing job there, I didn't need to step in and help you out. By the way were did you get that sword?"

I told him thank you and I explained we're I found the sword, also that it was just calling to me. When I was done explaining to hercul, I turned back around to head to my next class when my eyes met with those of Paul, Richard, and Sam. All of whom we're just staring at me. I coughed to get their attention, which worked perfectly.

They all tried to talk at once but couldn't, so I picked Richard first. He said "wow that was amazing, did you use your dragons power to help with your moves? They were so quick and smooth!"

"No I didn't, that was all me. When you are the only one in the family to protect everyone and has to hunt you pick up a few moves. Also it helps to find just the right sword with good balance." I told them.

Paul asked "were did you get the sword at? Isn't it the one in the glass case that was once the first riders?" He looked at the others there.

All three guys just shrugged their shoulders. I again explained wee I found it and that it called to me from the case. They looked puzzled for a few min before one said "well this is Christina werent talking about. Who knows what else will happen while she's here with us." They all laughed at my expense.

I waved at them and headed back to my class. I was a little bit late but with what just happened, they understood. It was History again but this time there talking about armor for both the rider and dragon.

Sorry for a short chapter today. Let me know what ya think so far. Thanks.

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