Chapter Seven

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I sat up on the bed, trying to remember probably the weirdest dream I ever had. I looked at the nightstand next to me and saw a note from Austin, saying that after I passed out, he figured it would be better if I got some sleep. Ugh. I sat up in bed; left alone in the room, I started to think about questions I had for Austin. How do you shift? When do you shift? What kind of abilities do you have? So many different possibilities and theories were all running through my mind. I suddenly caught myself, though: What was I thinking—that all of this is real? Did I really see Austin turn into a werewolf, or was I still hallucinating from the blood loss and pain? This was all too much to handle. Why did this have to happen to me; wasn't my life shitty enough? Why the hell did I have to be turned into a werewolf?!? What the hell did I do to deserve this? I was starting to really freak out, so I got out of bed and put on a light blue shirt, thankful to be feeling less exposed. I looked at the clock; it read 2:06 PM. Ugh, even time is moving slow! Just then Austin walked into the room a plate of food in his hand.

"How you feeling?" Austin asked, trying to sound chipper.

"How do you think I'm feeling?" I shot back, angrily.

Austin looked down at the ground sadly and put the food next to me. I took the food quickly, realizing how hungry I was since I hadn't eaten for a long time. I took the first bite of the burger, and damn it if that wasn't the best burger I had ever tasted. I proceeded to wolf (pun intended) down the food, barely even stopping to breathe. When I finished, I looked up at Austin, ready to continue to talk. Austin, taking the hint, went first.

"Well, yeah, this has certainly been an interesting day, between the werewolf thing and the Logan thing, so I assume you have a lot of questions. So just go ahead and ask and I'll answer as best as I can" Austin smiled.

"Why me?" he asked.

"Wrong place, wrong time, I guess," Austin shook his head sadly, though looking back, I think he knew more than he let on.

"Okay, also your eyes--why do they change, and what do the colors mean?" I asked.

Austin replied "Well, when you see the color change in my eyes, that's my wolf side taking some control. Sometimes when I lose control, my eyes turn more into their wolf form, which is silver. Most of the time it's my normal blue eyes."

"Okay, what does the color of the iris mean?" I asked.

"It represents what kind of rank wolf I am. Silver means you're an omega, gold means you're a beta, and red means you're an alpha. You can be any of those. I'm an omega because I'm pack-less; my dad was a beta though, and when my parents died, I moved in with my aunt and uncle. I would have stayed with the pack, but it wasn't clear if I was a wolf or a human yet, so they felt it better to send me to my relatives. It usually presents for born wolves at around 13, and since my parents died when I was six, I didn't know anything other than what my aunt and uncle have told me about werewolves--which is a lot, but not enough. Most of what I know, I got from my experience and research," Austin said.

I nodded, "How did you find out what happened to me?"

"Well, um, Logan showed up here with you in his arms, covered in blood, and explained what happened. You just filled in the other gaps" Austin stated sadly.

"Oh, he carried me?" I asked.

Austin gave a sad smile "Well, you weren't exactly in the best state to walk."

"Who else are werewolves around the school?" I asked.

"Well, there's Logan and his pack, which is Luke, Joanna and Peter, and there are three from Anna's pack--Drew, Ashely and Eli, and her son Brock, but from what I know he isn't a werewolf yet. Then there's Thomas and Tracy from Jade's pack," Austin said.

"Is that why you would never fight them when they messed with me" I asked curiously.

"No, no, I always tried to protect you; they saw you as a way to get to me. If I tried to fight them directly, then I would have been labeled a rogue and attacked and killed. As much as I tried to keep them away, there are times when I couldn't, and for that I'm sorry" Austin finished.

"It's okay," I said, trying to sound like I forgave him.

"You seem to be taking all of this pretty well," Austin said.

"Pretty well? PRETTY WELL? I'm not even sure what's real anymore! I know I was attacked—I've got the scars to prove it. But this whole werewolf thing? How am I supposed to take that? What if I don't wanna be a werewolf—can Logan take it back?" I asked, angrily.

"I'm afraid not; it doesn't work that way," Austin tried to explain. "Once you've been bitten, there's no going back. I guess it's part of your DNA now. It's just who you are."

"So it's not like I have much of a choice in the matter, like there is no way to not be a werewolf, then? Well, that really bites!" I spit out as I turned away from him.

"No pun intended, huh?" Austin said, trying to cut the tension.

"What?" I replied, confused. Then it hit me and I'll admit, for a second I smiled at what I just said.

"Yeah, so anyway, I'm sorry, but you're stuck with it. No way around it, at least that I know of," Austin answered, smiling,

"You seem happy about this," I said sourly.

Austin's smile vanished quickly, "I'm happy that you're not freaking out about this."

I just looked blankly at him, because in my mind I was freaking out and part of me hated Austin for missing that.

"You need some more sleep, your body went through an incredible change; let's talk more about this tomorrow," Austin said.

Iwatched as Austin turned and quickly left the room. It was so much to take in,almost too much. I was so overwhelmed by it. All this talk about werewolves andeverything. I started to pace around the room. Why couldn't my life be easy?The only explanation was that I must be paying for some kind of misdeeds in aprevious life. I thought it was hard enough being gay, but now a werewolf! A gay werewolf!?! What's next—am I related to a serialkiller? Ugh, this is only going to getworse, I thought. I turned and walked to the bed and lied down. Soon I wasnearly asleep again; the conversation with Austin had completely drained me ofmy energy. Drifting into sleep, I thought maybe this is all a bad dream; I'llwake up in the morning and everything will be back to normal. That's when sleep finally overtook me again.

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