Chapter Twenty-Three

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I woke up the next morning to find that I had slept against the door the entire night, and again it was another night without dreams, which feels like no sleep at all. I listened around and focused in on a heartbeat on the other side of the door from me. Shit! Did Logan sleep the entire night against the door as well? I sighed and slouched once again against the door, trying to wrap my head around what to do next. After about ten minutes of thinking, I heard Logan start to move on the other side of the door; he must have woken up.

"You up, Logan?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah. How did you sleep?" Logan asked in response.

"Not as bad as it could have been."

"You want to, you know, talk face to face, or like not with the door in the way? It's beginning to become uncomfortable," Logan said; I could hear him shifting his position to face the door.

"Yeah, just maybe in a little bit; you know, after breakfast and a shower?" I said.

"Sure," Logan responded. "Where can I get clothes from?" Logan then asked.

"Just ask Austin; you two are about the same size," I responded.

"Cool, uh thanks," Logan responded somewhat awkwardly.

I listened to him get up and start to walk off; once I was sure he was gone, I made my move and ran to the shower. I quickly took off my clothes and got in, letting the hot water cascade over my body. I stood there for a few minutes, enjoying the feeling of the hot water on my skin. I let my mind wonder to simpler times--a normal Sunday morning with my family. We were all sitting at the table eating breakfast. Mother had made pancakes and bacon for us. Nixon was talking about football or something with Father. Mother and I were talking about going over and helping at the soup kitchen later that day. I shook my head and got myself out of the memory, realizing that Norman Rockwell moment was shattered forever. I felt a few tears mix in the water on my face. I quickly wiped them off and shut the water off, then stepped out of the shower. I quickly dried off and changed and went downstairs. I looked around and didn't see Logan, so I went in the kitchen to make breakfast when I ran into Luke or Peter; I still couldn't really tell them apart.

"Morning, Conner," The twin said.

"Morning," I replied cautiously, not understanding what they were doing here.

"How'd you sleep?" The twin asked.

"Okay. How about you?" I asked, still confused.

"Fine. Probably wondering why we're still here?" The twin asked.

"You read my mind," I responded, more confident.

"Austin offered, considering it was pretty late when you fell asleep, and Logan refused to budge from the door. And you guys have like so many guest rooms here," The twin laughed, motioning around the house.

"Yeah," I fake laughed in response, growing aggravated.

"Well, I'm going to go enjoy this," The twin said, holding a plate filled with food.

"You do that," I deadpanned, growing even more frustrated with this conversation.

"Okay," The twin responded, his voice seemingly faltering at what I figure was my tone.

I walked to the other side of the room, mentally hitting myself for being so asshole-ish today. I don't know what it was, but I felt weird. I just had no interest in really interacting with people today, I guess the combination of stress and anxiety had finally pushed me over my own personal threshold; I just couldn't deal with anything. I tried to shake it off as I grabbed a bagel and moved into the living room. I turned on the television and switched over to the news. The first stories were boring; I was barley even paying attention when I noticed the breaking news banner popup. As the story started, the headline read "Local Men Reported Missing".

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