Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up after having a night of no dreams, which was almost better than having nightmares...almost. But I hated nights where I'd didn't dream; they were the worst. The feeling upon waking up that you didn't even sleep. Eventually, I found myself in the living room about ten minutes before Austin would be ready to go. I threw on the news; the headline was "Local County Board Member Still Missing." I didn't bother listening to the story; the news was pretty boring then for the most part. The only thing I did pay attention to was the weather report, which said it was going to be getting colder.

"You don't have to worry about that" Austin said.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"We run warm; part of being a werewolf. You'll notice it soon enough" Austin said.

"Cool, but how warm?" I asked.

"Ehh, 101, 102; somewhere in there, now let's go," Austin said, as we moved to the cars. Today we took a 1966 Shelby Mustang.

"How do you even have one of these?" I asked

"I think it's one of my grandpa's old ones; I have been working on it for a couple years with mark trying to get it back in shape," Austin replied looking fondly to the car.

I just shook my head and followed him to the car. When we got to school, the pack was waiting for us. We walked back as a pack into the school. Austin and Joanna split to go to their lockers, followed by Luke saying something about meeting with a teacher early, and Peter complaining about the homework he had to do before class. By the time I reached my locker, it was just Logan and me.

"You still free for coffee after school, right?" Logan asked.

"You were serious about that?" I asked confused.

"Yeah of course," Logan replied looking equally confused.

"You're still free right?" Logan then asked.

"Yeah, we can meet hereafter classes, if that works for you?" I responded.

"Cool. So, you ready for classes today?" Logan then asked.

"Yeah, they will be boring for the most part, so it should be fine enough" I answered

With that, Logan walked me to first-period class, environmental bio, which I had with Peter. The lecture was extremely boring, something about moose and their environment. The rest of the day passed pretty simply. I did see one thing that was really weird, or something I thought I saw, I can't really be sure. But as I was walking to lunch, I could have sworn I saw Brock holding Luke's hand. I shook it off, though; must've been some other people. I got weird looks from Thomas and Tracy during gym, but other than that they stayed further away from me than usual today. The rest of the day went on pretty smoothly, and soon I was standing next to my locker waiting for Logan.

"Hey," Logan said as he walked up to me "How was your day?"

"Pretty average for recently; how about yours?" I asked in reply.

"About the same. You ready?" Logan smiled.

"You still want to do this?" I asked hesitant.

"Dude, how many times do I have to tell you yes, I want to go out with you," Logan said.

"You want to go out with me?" I asked with a sly smile.

"You know what I mean," Logan responded smiling as well.

"Where we headed then?" I asked as we walked to Logan's car.

"Duclair's?" Logan asked.

"Works for me," I said as we got into his car.

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