Chapter Twenty-Five

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Once outside, we all quickly got to the cars and everyone looked to Logan for some kind of instruction.

"Head home for the night, guys; we'll regroup tomorrow at school," Logan said, still angry.

Austin and the others got in the car and drove back to his house since all their cars were at his place. As they were leaving, Lucian walked up to us.

"That went well," Lucian said sarcastically. Logan just huffed as I looked at the ground.

"Let's get back to Austin's and we can talk about it," Logan said.

Lucian nodded; we got in our cars and headed back to Austin's. Once in the car and on the way, Logan spoke up again, "You okay?"

"I guess," I shrugged, having to see my parents and Nixon again, even though my mother and Nixon never spoke.

"Now will you tell me how you really feel?" Logan insisted impatiently.

"No," I said, embarrassed and sad about everything.

"Will you tell me later?" Logan asked in a soft voice.

"Maybe," I replied embarrassed and growing a bit frustrated at Logan's insistence.

"Okay, well that's progress," Logan said with a laugh, easing the tension inside me.

We made good time getting back to Austin's house; by the time we got there, though, only Austin and Mark and Kathy were there. We got out of the car, closely followed by Lucian, and made our way to the dining room where they had gathered. As soon as we sat down, Mark and Kathy were on us (mainly Logan and Lucian) with questions.

"So, what did they have to say?" Mark asked, looking at Logan.

"Surprisingly not much, but we have an outline of a plan," Logan said.

"What did they say about Conner?" Kathy asked, looking towards me.

"Uhh-they..umm..." I mumbled head down.

"Nothing good," Logan interjected, squeezing my hand.

I was thankful for him being there; his presence helping me to stay somewhat calm. I looked up--Kathy and Mark had a look of pity in their eyes. I hated that look, that look of "we're sorry this has happened to you." Or the "you poor thing", or the "oh, honey". It made me feel worthless, like I needed their pity. The only one who really understood what I was going through was Logan, but even then, there were just some things that no one could understand.

"Conner," Logan said, getting me back into reality. "You okay, man? I was saying your name for a bit," Logan said, concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said with a polite smile.

"What else do you want to know?" Lucian asked.

"What will Austin and Conner's roles be?" Mark asked.

"We'll all have a part to play; we haven't decided on who will do what yet," Logan said.

"But you have an idea?" Kathy asked.

"Well, the idea was brought up to use Conner and me to lure Jade into a trap," Logan said.

"Absolutely not!" Mark and Kathy said in unison.

Logan put up his hands, "That was my reaction as well, but I can't exactly keep him out of the fight. We'll have to see what happens."

"And Austin?" Mark asked.

"He is my strongest beta, it will be me and him teaming with Anna and her best betas and the hunters to fight Jade," Logan said.

"No!!!" Kathy said, almost yelling, "We will not allow you to put him into danger! Conner neither."

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