Chapter Thirty

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I woke up in a room I didn't recognize, the first thing that came to me was the sound of machines, all beeping and cold. I then opening my eyes and looked down, I was wearing what appeared to be a hospital gown and I had a bunch of wires and crap all over my body. I looked over to my left; there were a bunch of machines, I slowly was able to trace them back to the wires on my body. I looked at my left arm, where an IV tube was sticking out of it. I felt my heart start to beat faster; I hated needles. I quickly pulled the IV tube out of my arm, leaving a stinging pain from where it once was. I pulled off some of the wires on my chest, at this point the monitors started beeping quite loudly. I moved to get out of bed before an arm pulled me back.

"Oh, no, you don't," Logan's voice rang in my ears.

"Whasss goin' on?" I mumbled out, confused.

"Don't worry about it; just lie down and relax," Logan said, settling me down in the bed again.

"You're alive!" I said looking up at him, feeling tears prickle the corner of my eyes.

"Yes all because of you. You saved me; you saved all of us," Logan said.

I didn't respond, because a couple of what looked like nurses popped in and started to fix me back up. They started to put the wires and stuff back on my chest and reset all the machines. It went well up until the needle when I might have started to fight the blonde male nurse trying to put the IV in my arm, I think his name was Will or something. They gave me a sedative and I was soon back to sleep.

The next time I woke up it seemed to be nighttime. I looked around the bed and found Logan sitting next to me in a chair sleeping, which must have been quite uncomfortable.

"Logan," I said, my voice coming out quite harsh.

"Logan," I said this time a little louder. Logan stirred a little but still didn't move.

"Logan!" I said putting as much force as I could into my words, yet it still came out quietly. This time Logan woke up; when he noticed I was awake, he was at my side in a second.

"How you feeling?" Logan asked, holding my hand.

"Alive. What happened?" I croaked out.

"How much do you remember?" Logan asked, rubbing my hand gently.

"I remember touring the mill, then we were in that big room where we had the meeting. We were in there when the attack started. After that it goes hazy," I responded.

"Well, Jade made it through each level and the hunters and Anna's pack. And she attacked us.." Logan paused before continuing, "We weren't winning the fight; a couple of us were able to get some hits in, but she literally threw us around. The pack made it out okay, we're still kinda banged up, but we're going to make it," Logan said.

"And what else? Nixon, the hunters, my parents--how did we win?" I asked confused.

Logan paled when I finished speaking, "Nixon has a concussion and a badly broken arm, your mom made it out unharmed, as did a fair number of hunters..." Logan paused again, tears forming in his eyes, "Anna died, but your dad, he was in the room with us. Jade had gone through all of us; it was only you and Brock left. I was barely conscious; I could see Jade moving toward you, but I couldn't move. All of a sudden, your dad started shooting at Jade; it distracted her and she attacked him. She killed him in the fight," Logan finished, tears slowly streaming down his face.

I didn't know what to do; Dad died trying to protect me! Suddenly the memory of seeing Jade's claws plunge into his chest exploded in my mind. I started to cry, letting all of my emotions from weeks of fear, sadness, and anger spill out. Logan reached over and pulled me into a hug, letting me cry on his shoulder. We stayed like that for about 15 minutes as I cried continually. Logan stayed, calmly rubbing my back, whispering "It's going to be okay" and "I'm so sorry" in my ear.

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