Chapter Twenty-Six

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I finally focused in on Logan's face; still, it took me a minute to compose the rest of myself. I didn't understand what was going on, or where I was.

"What's...goin'...on," I mumbled, looking around.

"You were screaming my name. Austin called me over when you wouldn't wake up," Logan said, pulling me close into him.

My heart fluttered at being so close to Logan, I felt myself beginning to calm; this must be part of the bond that Lucian was talking about. I stayed in Logan's arms for a few more minutes until I felt my heart beating at a somewhat normal speed. I moved to get out of Logan's arms and he begrudgingly let me go.

"Umm...thanks...for...uhhh-" I said until Logan cut me off.

"It's fine, really, I enjoy you snuggling up with me," Logan winked before turning serious, "So what was that all about?"

"Just a dream," I said in a futile attempt to avoid the question. Logan just growled at this, making me cringe; I just gave a small growl in return.

"Please, just tell me," Logan then pleaded.

"It was us in the paper mill, and well, it wasn't going well," I said quietly.

"Can you tell me more?" Logan asked, having me sit next to him.

"No," I said quietly.

Logan didn't ask me anything else about the dream for the rest of the day. I did overhear him having a conversation with Lucian about my dream, he thought it might be some connection to Jade from when she attacked me. Some of the others came over later and we just spent time together trying to relax and ignore the situation we all found ourselves in. Eventually, everyone left leaving Logan and I alone to talk, which we did. We talked about traveling the world and places we would want to see. I fell asleep on the couch with him, the conversation lulling me to sleep, well and the sound of his voice.

I woke up and looked over and saw the time, shit we need to get to school, "Dude, we should have already left for school."

Logan looked over at the clock and sighed, "Yeah, fine, let's go."

I moved quickly to get ready and we moved downstairs, where Austin was waiting for us.

"You riding with me or him?" Austin asked looking between Logan and myself.

"Or we could all ride together," Logan then suggested.

"Works for me," I smiled happy with the compromise.

"Cool, whose car?" Austin asked.

"Yours," Logan and I replied in unison.

We all walked together to the garage where the usual array of cars was located, and Austin led us to one I didn't recognize; it was a pitch-black four-door Dodge Charger.

"Sweet," Logan said, walking up to the car.

"How long have you had this one?" I asked, joining them.

"Not long; it was a sweet sixteen present," Austin replied as we got in.

Austin got us to school rather fast, seeming very enthusiastic at getting the chance to drive the Charger. The way he took some of the winding curves made me feel like I was on some sort of roller coaster. It was a miracle we made it to school! On top of it all, Austin slid into one of the back-parking spaces with a skid right out of Fast and Furious. Logan and I quickly stumbled out of the car a wee bit nauseous as the twins and Joanna walked up to us.

"Enthusiastic there much?" Joanna asked, sarcastically looking at Austin as we gained our footing.

Austin shrugged and replied with a smile, "I needed to let the horses run a bit."

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