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Bryson's arms were draped around Keva's naked frame as she lay still, basking in the security of her husband presence. She listened to his heartbeat, while trailing her index finger around the portrait tattoo of Kadyn located on his inner left arm.

"Your heart is so strong babe." She spoke whilst planting a gentle kiss onto his chest. "That's because you and Kadyn keep my heart beating, babe. And it will only ever beat for y'all. Understand?"

Keva stared up at Bryson in beguile before their lips connected, "I'm truly sorry for not even considering the therapy sessions you suggested. I was just so pissed and disappointed within myself..." Keva sighed before speaking again.

"Baby, I'm willing to seek therapeutic help. I-I don't wanna dwell on the past forever it's not healthy for me to feel this way... honestly I don't wanna be affected by the traumatic chapter anymore." Keva finally admitted causing Bryson to slightly smile while looking down at her.

"And I'll fully support you on your healing journey." He stated while lifting her chin placing a gentle mesmerizing kiss onto her lips making his wife sigh into the kiss. But the married couple were soon interrupted by the fatal doorbell rings echoing throughout their house.

The married couple groaned while removing themselves from their king size bed slipping on their silk robes. "Who's ever at this door better have a damn good explanation." Bryson spoke entering the foyer with Keva accompanying her husband.

Opening their glass doors the married couple revealed a fuming Coolio along with an dumbfounded Tanya, stepping to the side Bryson allowed them into their home. "Excuse my rudeness but why are y'all asses here at 1 in the morning?" Keva folded her arms across her chest waiting for an answer.

"Well I don't know how to tell y'all this..." Tanya paused looking at her husband for assistance causing him to just take over the sentence, "June and Ada had Kadyn murdered 5 years ago." Coolio brutally stated causing both of their eyes to widened in disbelief.

"Excuse me?" Keva questioned barely above a whisper as her eyes brimmed with tears. "It's not the time to be fucken with us especially when discussing our child!" Bryson vociferate pretty loudly whilst taking Keva into his embracement.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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