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Christian was meeting with John at the nearby restaurant to discuss the vacation they were taking with their friends, this specific vacation had been planned for months now though one friend in their circle had yet to accept, Sue, she has always been a bit laid back from her friends, for her she was almost so sure the group hang out with her because her parents were rich too, the group of friends called themselves "LIT SQUAD" whatever that means Sue didn't get it but she just went with the flow

She was mostly close to Harper whose life was perfect but laid back as well, to her Harper was a nice person who was there for her when she needed her, Harper and Sue hit it off the first day they met, they met the day Sue had escorted her mother to Hope Williams' show, well Hope and Gloria had been friends for a long time and their daughters being friends was just a delight to them


When John got to the restaurant he looked around for his best friend and saw him at a table for two, he approached the table smiling. Christian hadn't even seen him yet he was smiling at some girls who were blushing at him

"Hey Chris my man how are you?" John said smiling but Chris still had his concentration on the girls, well out of all his friends Christian was labeled as the ladies' man, he would have over like six girls in one month unbelievable

"Hey Chris come on man, " John said getting irritated,

"Oh John what's up? Didn't realize you had arrived, " Chris said smiling,

"Of course, " John said softly intended for Chris not to hear what he said,

One of the girls that Chris was smiling at came to their table and left a small note and gave him a peck on the cheek, with that she left winking at him, John was just looking amused the whole time because Chris had a girlfriend who was in their friend circle,

"Seriously Chris, " John said rolling his eyes and his best friend smiled,

"I mean come on am I supposed to say no when hot girls hit on me, I mean she came over here John it is not my fault, " Chris said laughing with a shrug,

"A lot of people know who you are because your mother is one of the richest people around the world, so just know that girl was trying her chances with you oooh and also you have a girlfriend, " John said the last part smirking while shaking his head,

"Okay fine fine but I know you will not tell Mila about this that is why we are best friends, " Chris said smirking,

"Let's talk about what we came to talk about okay don't get me irritated already, " John said as the waiter approached them,

"Are you ready to order Mr. Rossi?" the waiter asked Chris who looked at John,

"I would like a glass of water thank you," John said simply,

"Come on John really... Really that's all... Okay bring me an expensive bottle of red wine you have, " Chris said smiling at the waiter who was blushing, what the hell,

"Chris it is 9am you cannot be drinking at this time and besides we are going to discuss important stuff okay, just bring him water please," John told the waiter sighing,

"Hey hey I drink what I want okay you bring me what I asked for, " Chris said irritated and John just threw his hands up,

With that the waiter turned and left


That is Chris for you he is such a brat even his best friend knew and he was probably the only one who would tolerate being around him for so long,

Christian's mother is a mogul in Italy, she is an only parent to Chris and worked so hard to get where she is, she always worked hard so that her only child could have everything he ever wanted not knowing that she was turning him into a big brat, he drinks very early in the morning, he is always cheating on his girlfriend, he has been banned from some clubs in New York but that is his best friend they were brought up together in Italy and even decided to move together to America.

John is also one from a wealthy family, his father owns a good number of casinos in Italy and Las Vegas, his father works in the business with his mother and their three children including John have always had a good life though John is down to earth out of his siblings he has a lot and he makes sure he helps people as he has a foundation caring for blind children, with all the money his parents keep putting in his bank account which a lot by the way he puts a good number of it in his foundation which his family doesn't even know of, not even his friends, it is just his thing


POV: John

"Chris okay umm Harper is still convincing Sue to come but honestly I feel like if she doesn't want to be there let's just get her out of the plan I mean it's her choice and I believe she doesn't want to go, " I said honestly, to which Chris shrugged but instead went ahead insisting,

"We have to go, all of us John we are friends and we planned this for some time now I believe Harper will convince her," Chris said leaning back in his seat,

The waiter arrived with our drinks and how again completely ignored me which I am okay with I just wanted to talk and get out of there, he put the full bottle of wine in front of Chris who smiled and asked,

"How much is this one? " the waiter smiled and said, "550 dollars Sir, " and Chris shrugged,

"I asked you for an expensive bottle of wine okay something above 1000 dollars, " Chris said face palming, wow he can really be a baby sometimes,

"I am sorry Mr. Rossi but that is the most expensive red wine we have, " the waiter said looking down,

Chris told him to leave and started drinking,  "mmh it is actually good, " he said smirking at me,

"What do you think? It is 550 dollars I think there is a reason for that, "I said trying not to go off on him,

Yeah I said that because we always have these little fights where he wants to show off to people how much money he has which for the record a lot of people know, he loves being extravagant he thinks he has to prove to people how rich he is,

I just drank my water while we looked at the resort that Gwen booked for us, she booked the whole place for us before you start wondering how you can do that, it is a small scale resort on a medium sized island so she was able to convince and also that includes money convincing to make sure we got it for ourselves

"It's pretty good huh," I said smiling and Chris laughed looking at me,

"What? " I asked him raising my brow,

"It's nothing man.. I am just happy we are going on this trip I have not seen you the last three months I don't know where you were and I am genuinely happy that we are going on this vacation together, " Chris said smiling and looking at the tablet again,

Chris and I were inseparable when we were 14 he would see each other every day without fail buy when I turned 20 I started this foundation for blind children so I ended up taking a lot of there and somehow shut out Chris, he doesn't know about it and nether do my parents I just want to keep it that way, one my parents could stop the money they keep putting on my account which I need for the foundation and two Chris would go off then want to try and help with the foundation that means extravagance which I don't need I just need it to be simple,

The only person who knows about my foundation is my nana.

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