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When Sue left the restaurant I couldn't help but be upset I was not happy with Mila's behavior I know she has always been mean to Sue but not this much, I just want my friends to get along, it will mean a lot to me,

"Why did you do that Mila? " I asked her confused,

She just shrugged and frowned, I looked at her waiting for an explanation cause I honestly need one I want to know why when I introduced her to Gwen they got along quick but with Sue it is becoming something else,

"Harper I am sorry okay, I didn't really mean to be rude I just oh God I just don't know she really puts me on edge, " Mila said looking everywhere but me,  and I smiled because she is one dramatic bitch huh yeah I said it...

"Look I will not try to make you two friends okay I have tried and I am done... But I know Sue is my friend and that is not changing so I don't know if that is going to bring problems between us because I don't want to lose you as well, " I said truthfully drinking my milkshake,

Mila smiled then nodded and ate her salad, her phone chimed and she looked at it and smiled,

"Look Christian just texted me he wants to meet me at the apartment, I gotta go Harps, talk to you later, " she said and pecked me on the cheek, I nodded and she left with her disposable cup,

I was still enjoying my drink when my phone started ringing, I looked at it and saw it was Alicia, I smiled and picked it up,

"Ali honey what's up? " I said smiling while drinking my milkshake,

"Harperrrrrr!!!!!!!" she screamed into the phone, oh my God the ears!

"Alicia calm down oh my God I think my ears are bleeding," I said laughing,

"Harper I am back and I can't wait to see you oh my God I missed you, actually Matt missed you too, didn't you Marty?" she asked her boyfriend who responded, "Oh Harper I missed you my girlfriend said I should say that, "

I laughed at that, "So how was the trip mmh?" I asked and smiled,

"It was okay and well Marty's granny is amazing, she was welcoming but daddy wanted me to come back he said it is really important but I am yet to know, " she said and sighed,

"Well okay you can come home and we shall have a feast to welcome you back, mom has always asked me about you, you know I think she only knows you and Sue" I said seriously,

"Okay Harper can Matt come with me, " she asked excitedly,

"Of course you know Matt is always welcome, " I looked at my watch, I had to go to Sue's house just to straighten out that shitty stuff Mila said to her,

"Okay love you," with that Ali hang up, I sighed and got my cross bag and headed to my car


At Sue's house

I knocked at the door and Sue opened and smiled, I wonder how she is such a good person even after the stuff Mila said about her, well she is one of my best friends actually the other is Gwen,

"Hey Harper come in, " she said smiling and let me in, we headed to her bedroom after I said hi to her maid Linda,

"Sue I am truly sorry for what Mila said earlier I didn't know she would be so rude I am truly sorry, " I said pouting as I sat down on the grey couch in her bedroom,

She sighed and said, "To be honest Harper I don't know why you keep insisting on me getting along with her all I have done is try to be friends but she always treats me like trash I don't care to be her friend but I was doing it for you actually but you know what I can't do it anymore, "

I totally understand where she is coming from, the first time I met Mila she was so rude until she realized my mother is rich too then she started behaving like a human around me,

I just hugged her and sighed I thanked God for her being my best friend



I sat and waited for Mila to come I just wanted to hang out with my girlfriend, I know I was a complete ass when I just left early this morning without a note or anything, I looked at my phone and checked out instagram I saw some really disturbing photos on Mila's instagram story, the door opened and in came Mila,

"Hey baby, " she said and came to kiss me but I moved aside,

"So this is where you were last night, " I asked slightly upset showing her my phone which she just rolled her eyes,

"Christian I just went out with Gwen to the opening of that new club called Laze it is pretty classy by the way, " she said and tried to hug him, when she failed she went to the fridge and got a water,

"These pictures are really weird Mila just letting other guys touch you you were behaving like a slut and I don't like that, " I said looking at her,

"Oh my God Christian did you just call me a slut in my own apartment?!!! " she screamed in my face and I instantly regretted it, I kept quiet

"They are just photos why are you getting on my case over this I am a grown ass woman I can take photos with anyone I want, " she said rolling her eyes and sat down checking her phone,

"You are 23 Mila and you just can't let anyone touch you because you are my girlfriend and no one touches what is mine, " I said and she rolled her eyes,

"Look Christian I just took a few photos while having a good time with Gwen okay I am sorry for having a good time," she said raising her hands being dramatic, I just laughed at her and kissed her,

"I love you Christian.....okay you shouldn't be worried... It is only you this shouldn't be a fight right now I just want to chill with you okay, " she said pecking my lips and smiled,

I can't lie I often cheat on her but I do love her too.

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