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When we finally got to the mainland the authorities had a lot of questions for us,

It had been two days since the incident, Mr. Arana and Mrs. Arana were called to come which they did just a few hours ago,

Harper's mom came and she was so relieved because she thought her daughter had gone missing, Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith came too yesterday,

And Mila got the opportunity to call Julia who just arrived too,

When Mr. Arana was given the news he just first sat down and breathed hard, his wife passed out, Manny was there only child, it was so devastating, those could have been my parents right now,

Mrs. Smith cried in her husband's arms after the learning the death of their daughter,

All I can remember is her being so jolly and just being the best person in the world the way she was making jokes that day then she told us about her parents, all that time I didn't even think she was going to leave us

"She died thinking I hate her Arnie how can I move on from this, " Mrs. Smith said and cried even more, her husband calmed her but I could tell he was trying hard not to cry in front of his wife

It was meant to be a vacation for us as friends but it turned out to be a tragedy and I don't know if we shall ever come from this ever,

I went to the balcony of the room hotel and looked down and saw Mila's father, Don Facundo hugging her it looked like she was crying, I then saw a beautiful lady get out of an SUV and she ran and hugged Mila I am guessing that is her mother,

The Valascos and Aranas hugged each other and went inside the hotel,

"Sue hey, " I hugged Harper as she came in,

We sat on the bed and she looked out the window,

"I miss her Sue, " she said and looked down,

"I miss her too, I can't believe what happened, " i said and smiled at her sadly,

We hugged and stayed like that for the rest of the day

All I know is if Ali's father hadn't put a tracker on her, we would be dead by now,


Third person

It took five days until the police got Manny, the Two resort workers and Gwen's bodies from the ocean, it was truly a hard time for all friends as it could have never been predicted as to what happened to them at the trip they didn't think they could lose their two friends,

Everyone was back in New York and were organising for Manny and Gwen's funerals, it was a really tough time for both the families,

Christian's mother had come from Italy to attend the funerals and to also be with her son who was comforting Mila in this tough time, when Christian's mother was told about the accident she was in a meeting and she almost fainted when she was told Christian was part of the trip, so she immediately got on her jet and left for America,

Xander's parents had also arrived shortly from Miami to check on their son, Xander had gotten close to Sue, maybe the tough times brought them together, Xander was also devastated because Manny was one of his closest friends so it was a tough experience for him but with Sue by his side it was not so bad,

John's father and mother had also come to New York and their son finally told them about his foundation for blind children and his father couldn't be more proud, Mr. Rucci had always known his son was one with a good heart and finding out about his son's foundation made him very happy and proud that his son had chosen to help others, Mrs. Rucci too couldn't help but feel proud of her son for having a foundation but was not happy about him not telling them about it,

Matt was with his dad at his New York apartment and finally he accepted to join his dad in their company, Mr. Daniels was very happy to finally have his son working with him as it had been his dream since Matt was just his little boy, and he couldn't believe his little boy had turned into a man now,

The Valascos and Aranas had been brought together again by Manny's death, they started bonding again, Julia was devastated and Manny's mom was happy to accept her as Manny's wife despite them not knowing,

Mrs. Arana was happy to know that her son had gotten himself a wife and she also revealed she was pregnant with Manny's child which made everyone happy as he would be remembered through his child, Manny's dad was still a work in progress with accepting his son's marriage, he just couldn't believe Manny got married without telling him and was a bit disappointed,

Mr. and Mrs Smith were devastated by the death of their only daughter and we're working on moving on, they also decided to retire in memory of Gwen, they had always known Gwen was not happy with their never ending trips and decided to honor her in such a way and besides they had enough money to never work again,

Sonnie had also come to the funeral as she was considered a mother by Gwen, Sonnie and Mrs. Smith cried together at the funeral as they had lost their loving daughter Gwendolyn,

Harper was with me at my parents' house and her mom was staying with us to comfort her, to say Harper was devastated was an understatement, Gwen was one of her best friends and she hadn't yet accepted it in her heart,

Alicia was just happy to be with her parents and her boyfriend Matt, Mr. Grey had told Alicia that she was not to travel at all because he didn't know if he could take the stress ever again, Mrs. Grey was just happy to hold her daughter again because she didn't even want to imagine what their friends were going through,

Gwen and Manny will always be remembered as the beautiful people they were, with beautiful hearts that care for others

Both funerals were carried out in New York as all friends and family attended to say goodbye to their loved ones,

And as for Harper and Sue... They would try their best to always remember how good a person Gwen was.

The End.

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