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Third person:

So the friends all met at the airport, they were taking John's private jet (actually his dad's private jet) when they were all assembled at the airport they went to the private hangar and boarded the plane,

While inside, Chris obviously sat with Mila and they were making out the whole time, from when they got on the plane, Harper sat with Sue, Alicia sat with Matt and they were holding hands, Gwen sat with Manny they were talking about something, and lastly John sat with Xander who was showing him something on his phone,

The flight took over four hours but they finally made it, when they got to the airport they led away by a boat that Gwen had prepared to take them to the island,

It took over 10 minutes to get to the island and it was magical as they were welcomed by the staff of the resort,



Wow is all I can say... Wow oh my God this place is beautiful from the white sand beaches to the beautiful beach house resort, it was painted yellow and pink and it next to the water from the ocean was just magnificent,

I can't believe I almost passed up this trip I saw Gwen smiling big, well I heard she is the one who booked this resort so I guess she is happy with the results, I walked to her and smiled at her,

"Wow this is beautiful Gwen," I said smiling,

"Oh thank you Sue I just hope the others like it too, " she said looking at me and she smiled,

"Oh I am sure they love it look at them, " I said pointing at the others and I saw John who smiled at us, I blushed... I am sorry I couldn't help it,

"Oh my Gosh Gwen this is amazing I can't wait to have fun here woo-hoo, " Mila exclaimed and did a small dance, I turned the other side and rolled my eyes,

"Well let us go inside, we are going to start you off with cocktails if that is okay, " one of the resort ladies said and smiled at us while we all nodded, ooh very much so,

"So how much was booking this place Gwen? " I asked softly as we walked to the front double glass doors,

"Oh not a lot actually it was like 30,000 dollars, " she said not minding at all, while looking at the brochure,

"That was just booking?" I asked a bit outraged, well I know we are staying here for a few days but come on that is just a lot, so I wonder how much the entire island costs for a few days,

"Well the whole place is about 150k but I had to book up front and it was worth it and it is a full island Sue and I wanted it to ourselves capisce, " she said touching my face,

"Definitely capisce, " I laughed and I playfully slapped her hands off my face,

We laughed and got in, I don't know if my eyes were deceiving me but I saw Christian giving Matt a glare as he walked by holding hands with Alicia, wait wait a freaking second, is Christian still in love with Alicia?!

Well I know they dated before but broke up because of his cheating diaries and now she is with Matt and they seem so happy you wouldn't think she dated that brat,

"So where are our rooms? " Gwen asked one of the ladies as she handed us each a glass of cocktail,

"Well they are labeled like you asked us to," the lady said smiling and Gwen nodded, she then walked off,

"Alright guys let's see first things first couples are sharing a room because I am amazing that's why, so Christian and Mila, Ali and Matt, Sue and John......" with that she laughed so hard and I saw Christian punch John lightly who by the way blushed I don't know what that is about and I blushed really hard I saw Xander smiling at me,

"Alright I am kidding I am kidding oh God, you know I love you Sue so anyway back to the point the rest of us single pringles are taking our own rooms so off we go, btw the rooms are labeled because I am awesome so you see your name you have your room, " Gwen said smiling and grabbed her backpack, I honestly don't know if she has enough stuff in there for this getaway,

"Enjoy!! " she screamed and ran down the hall,

We all started checking out the names on the doors, I finally got to mine and opened the door, it was simple with a view of the ocean and a large window to bring in fresh air... Oh wow just perfect,

"Oooh Christian stop it hahaha, " oh my God is that Mila, why do they have to be next to me.... Why would Gwen put them next to me arrggghh can't fucking believe it, I groaned and just decided to get out and go find Harper,

"Hey can you believe Mila and Christian are next to me, argggghhh!! " I exclaimed when I opened the door,

"Gwen didn't know you would be here, " I said and gasped when I noticed Gwen sleeping on the bed,

"Oh Sue darling come and give me a big kiss, " she said laughing and I laughed too, Gwen is too crazy for me sometimes,

"I have a boyfriend and I can't cheat on him sorry Gwennie, " I said laughing and she pouted and touched her chest dramatically, ooh what a drama queen,

"What!! You didn't mention that last night how dare you!!! Well I am going to have to steal you away away away he won't see it coming, " she sang while coming to me and Harper was literally laughing her head off,

"Let's go to the beach girls!!! " Harper shouted and we danced our selves out,


When we got to the beach, I sat between Harper and Gwen, we were holding hands just looking at the water like no worries ever,

"My parents hate me, " Gwen said suddenly in a low voice, and we both looked at her, where did that come from, instantly Harper went on the other side so Gwen sat between us,

"Honey why would you say that? " Harper asked and that question was what I was thinking too,

"When I was 8 my parents started going on business trips I would see them maybe once a year they would send my nanny butt loads of money to send me to school and taking care of the home, I remember I would wake up at night having nightmares and only our maid slash nanny would be there for me, I never saw them on my birthdays ever they would just send me a shit load of dolls I guess those were mostly my mom's idea, I only saw them on my 15th birthday and they were only there for ten minutes they had to leave for a trip to Shanghai, I had no one to talk to there are some things I couldn't tell my nanny, so I just decided to act wild.... Well I thought if I did they would finally notice me but that didn't work either, I threatened to run away and my father just laughed at me saying I was being ridiculous, I love them so much why can't they just notice me? " she ended with a sob and looked at the ocean waves, I would have never thought Gwen was going through that, she could have told us we could have been there for her,

I looked over at Harper and she looked at me too, our friend needs us now, we hugged her tight, I don't know a lot but I know hugs calm down people, she continued to sob heavily,

Oh my God I can't believe Gwen has been dealing with a lot since she was a child and she kept it all in, I always thought her life was perfect but I guess assuming is never something good, she continued sobbing quietly and we just hugged her tight,

We all hugged for what seemed like a long time and finally Harper said something,

"Gwen please don't hide things from us anymore okay you can tell us anything.....especially us..... I am also sure your parents love you they are just workaholics I am sure they love you so much, they probably miss you so much when they are away you are their baby girl, " she said,

"You sound just like my Sonnie, she has a positive attitude to all this, " Gwen said laughing a little, I remember her telling us Sonnie was her maid,

"I wish my mother was like Sonnie she is all I have," she said and smiled at Harper and I, we three are besties out of all the friends and we are always there for each other through good and bad,

"We love you Gwennie and you have us too, don't ever forget that, " I said and kissed her hair she leaned in and smiled.

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