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When I arrived home I went to my dad's office I looked around for Mom I guess she is out somewhere, when I knocked on the study door I heard my daddy's deep voice allowing me to come in,

"Daddy you wanted to see me, " I said and went and pecked him on the cheek and I sat down,

"Honey I missed you how was the trip with Matthew? " Daddy asked and I smiled,

"It was so good daddy I met his granny and she was the best and also his father built a beautiful farm for her it was amazing I had a good time, " I said happily,

"That is all I wanted to hear I am happy for you and also I prefer Matthew to Christian I believe he is good for you, " he said smiling at me,

"Anyway on a serious note Alicia honey we have a lot to talk about and it also includes that little vacation you are going to take with your friends, " My dad said seriously,

I looked at him and just sighed, "Daddy I plan to go on that vacation with my friends it is just a week okay and besides we have been planning for two months I just can't cancel they are counting on me, " I said putting my hands on his table,

"Huh Alicia your mother has a bad feeling about this trip she talked to me last night she said something bad might happen and you are my only daughter I wouldn't want anything to happen to you just please listen to us this time around, you know your mom she has these feelings and then things happen just please don't go, " Daddy said pleading almost, and there was a knock on the door, I turned to see who it was as he allowed the person to come in,

"I am sorry Mr. Grey but the meeting has been moved up to 1 hour from now, " his assistant said,

"Are you kidding me?! And they are just saying that now for God's sake the meeting is forty five minutes away" he sighed and signaled his assistant to leave,

"Okay Alicia my baby girl you know you are my everything and I want to take this opportunity to invite you to the Grey Living Empire!" he exclaimed and I smiled,

What!  What! What!

"Oh my Gosh daddy is this for real? " I screamed and ran across the table and hugged him,

"Yes baby girl you are officially part of the company honey and I can't wait to see you working there maybe even take over from me as CEO, " he said and I just couldn't believe I have always wanted to work with my dad since I was 14 he would inspire me a lot and it is finally becoming true at 25 wow,

"Thank you daddy I can't wait to work with you thank you for the opportunity I will not fail you, " I said and put my hand over my heart and he laughed,

"Okay Alicia now I have to head out and your mom will be home soon okay, " he said and kissed my cheek



I sat watching movies with Harper and she even ended up sleeping I decided to let her sleep and thought about John, he is so handsome he even doesn't know I have a crush on him I try to make it less obvious, he is so nice he is not like his best friend Christian who is brat like his girlfriend,

Last year we went to a fancy restaurant for dinner to celebrate Alicia's 24th birthday, he had the guts to say the restaurant is too crowded for him and called the manager he asked the manager to ask the people enjoying their meals to leave and that he would refund their money and also pay the manager for letting us have the restaurant to our selves,

That wasn't all though he just threw money at each table and told the people he was sorry in a very sarcastic voice,

People left the restaurant glaring at us and called us rich brats and I honestly can't blame them because of the way my so called friends laughed, only Harper was not happy with the whole thing,

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