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POV: GWEN (again)

When I left Sonnie's room I was feeling much better, I got to my room and checked my phone only to see I had a missed call from Mila and I sighed, I decided to call her to know what she wanted to tell me,

"Hey Mila I found a missed call, " I said simply and sat on my bed,

"Oh Gwen so umm Sue decided she was going to join us can you believe that I just feel bad, " she ranted and I just rolled my eyes, Sue and Harper are my best friends so I didn't like the way she talked about Sue I have always dealt with her bullshit but I can't anymore,

"Sue is my friend Mila and I am done with you talking shit about her, " I said very calmly,

"Oh that is great I can't wait to get out of this house I just really can't wait, " I said done with her stupid rant, Mila is what I would call a hanging out friend all she cares about is fun really, but I know she has a good heart she just loves to be a bitch 

"Is everything okay Gwen?  You know you can talk to me okay, " she said, that is the Mila that she tries to hide so far I know she is caring deep down but she likes to pretend,

"No no Mila everything is okay I just want to go on this vacation so bad I can't wait, " I said and smiled,

"Okay Gwen but you know I am just a call away in case you need me.... But anyway so are we going out again cause I could really use it, " she said happily, and there it is the hanging out part!

"No Mila I don't feel like it today I just want to stay home and maybe watch movies sorry, " I said and ran a hand in my hair,

"Come on Gwen you know you are my partner in crime I just can't go with anyone but you," she ranted again, I rolled my eyes at her,

"I am sorry Mila but I cannot go okay go with Christian, " I said simply, and snickered because I know she hates going with Christian to the club,

"Oh my God Gwennie you just reminded me I had a fight with him today oh his stupid ass can you believe he got jealous because I took some pictures with some guys when we went to Laze, " she said and I wasn't surprised Christian is so jealous,

"Oh shit really but you know him Mila he really is jealous that is what used to happen when he was with Ali, " i said looking at my nails,

"Why would you bring her up seriously Gwen are you fucking kidding me!! " she screamed into the phone, oh shit

"Oh shoot sorry I didn't realize that, " I said almost laughing,

"Okie dokie Gwendolyn, byeeee," she shouted the last part,

I just sighed and looked at my phone she already hang up....

I really can't wait to go on that vacation, it might help me forget about my abandonment issues, ugh I just sighed and fell back on my bed



"So how was the trip huh?" Xander asked me as he ate his burger, we had gone to a restaurant just get something to eat,

"It was great man, I am telling you nana loved Alicia so much and I was so happy all I have ever wanted is to introduce her to my nana so well dream come true, " I said as I drank my soda,

He smiled, Xander is my best friend and we haven't known each other for so long but from the first time I met him I knew we would be close, we met when my dad wanted his dad's company to make an ad for us,

"I really can't wait to go to this vacation man it will really help me relax dad has been on my case these past few weeks, he says he wants me to take over the company and I just don't think I am ready," Xander said and leaned back in his chair,

My dad has been on my case too he wants me to work with him, says I have to learn everything before he dies and someone tries to steal the company from me, oh shit that's dark but the old man is right anything could happen

"I know man me too I can't wait and besides I know we are going to have a good time I heard Manny is coming too I am really excited man, " I said,

"Wait Manny is coming?  How come I didn't know about this huh you know I really love Manny he is the best he is not like his cousin, " Xander exclaimed and smiled, I rolled my eyes most of us in the group didn't like Mila we just how can I say it we just dealt with it I guess,

"Don't even get me started on her, she just really gets on my nerves,  she is so annoying oh my God, " I said seriously and  Xander laughed hard

While we were still talking I heard someone shout my name, who the hell!!

"Matthew heyyyy!!! " Mila shouted my name, ugh are you kidding me?!!

Well speaking of the devil,

"Hey Mila how are you? " I said forcing a smile, and she abruptly hugged me, I was shocked at first but I hugged her back while Xander was trying so hard not to laugh,

"Hey Xander, " she went and hugged Xander too and he wasn't happy which made me laugh,

"Hey Mila," he said softly like he didn't want to be heard,

"Ooh I am fine,  how was the trip with Alicia, just heard you got back from Harper how couldn't you tell me Matthew I thought we were friends, I am so offended, " she said pouting,

I don't know what the hell she is talking about we have never been friends and besides I know for sure she doesn't like my Alicia so why would I be friends with her,

"The trip was great thank you, " I replied smiling, wow the act is good I could audition for an acting job damn,

"Okay guys it was really great to see you but I have to be somewhere I saw you and decided to say hi, " she said and pecked both of us and left, well thank God!!

"Well thank God!! " Xander said and I laughed cause that is exactly what I was thinking,

"So who is coming to this vacation we are taking huh," he asked,

"Well John told me Harper, Christian, Gwen, Mila, Sue, Manny, us, Ali, and well himself, also Gwen booked the island we are going to, " I said and drank my soda,

"Wow that's a lot you know and I really can't believe Sue is coming man wow," he said smiling,

oh did I forget to tell you that my best friend Alexander here has a huge crush on simple Sue, yes he has for like one year now, I just don't understand why he doesn't talk to her,

"Yes she is and maybe finally you will be able to tell her how much you like her huh," I said wiggling my eyebrows at him and he blushed,

"Well we'll see, " he said and smiled,

Oh man I really think this trip is going to be something else I am telling you.



So we were preparing for the vacation, I was with Chris currently sitting in my living room playing games,

"So we are leaving in two days and everything is planned perfectly?" Chris asked not taking his eyes off the screen,

"Yeah everything is perfectly arranged, " I said and didn't take my eyes off the screen too,

"Also Matt and Alicia are back so we can all go together, " I added and smiled,

"Oh that is great I am glad Alicia is coming with us, " Chris said and I rolled my eyes,

"Oh my God Christian you have a girlfriend I don't know how many times I have to remind you that, " I said,

"Calm down John damn I just said one line oh God is it so wrong to be happy that Alicia is coming?" Chris said and rolled his eyes,

"Yes it is wrong because she is your ex and you have a girlfriend now, " I said and rolled my eyes,

"I know that John okay I am with Mila now so don't get it twisted alright, " he said irritated, "You know what I am leaving I didn't come here to get stressed by you okay, " he added and stood up,

You see that right there is why I think Christian never got over Alicia,

I just threw my hands up and he opened the door and left.

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