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Third person:

Alicia was the first to wake up and went to the little resort restaurant to get some breakfast only to find Sue there,

"Morning Alicia, " Sue said slowly,

"Morning oh God I just woke up and I am already tired, " Alicia said and smiled at Sue,

"So how is everything with Matt? " Sue asked drinking her coffee,

"Everything is fine we saw his nana and she was amazing bless her heart I love her already, " Ali said smiling and Sue smiled a bit,

"My daddy wants me to work with him Sue, I am just so excited I have been waiting for forever and it is finally coming true and I even don't know, have you ever wanted something so much that when it happens you actually don't even know how to react, " Alicia added and smiled at Sue,

"You should be excited Ali if this is what you have always wanted, I mean come on be happy, " Sue said getting closer to Alicia and she smiled, honestly these two hadn't been close friends but this small moment brought them together,

"You know you are not so bad like Mila keeps telling everyone she is a bitch for all I care, " they both laughed hard at that,

"Morning," Mila and Harper came in together, and Mila glared at Alicia and Sue but they didn't care at all,

"So Alicia how is it with Matt huh we all heard the news when he was caught cheating, " Mila said smirking, and Harper glared at her, so the bitch timer never stops huh is all Sue could think about,

"Oh darling my Marty is not a cheater but.... Umm we cannot say the same for your darling Christian now can we? " Ali said laughing Sue couldn't help but laugh too and oh shit Mila lunged at her but Harper held her back,

"I know you still want Christian even though you pretend to have moved on, you are such a bitch Alicia and let me tell you he doesn't want you and you will never get him back he loves me and he never even loved you he told me Alicia you were just a by the way for him, " Mila shouted, with Harper still holding her back, Ali gasped and smirked,

"Oh Mila sweetie I wouldn't have him back even if he came back crawling on bloody knees...... Even if he was the last man on this earth," Alicia said matter of factly and looking bored,

Everyone came to the restaurant as Mila was glaring at Ali who looked like she didn't give a care in the world, a badass bitch I tell ya,

"What the fuck is happening? What's with the screaming this early morning? " Christian saying looking at us four, I just looked at Alicia she really was making my morning,

"You should ask your girlfriend she is getting insecure around me Christian take care of that," Ali said leaving and wow she took care of the situation like a boss,

When Ali left and Mila left with Chris the others looked at us for an explanation and I just shrugged


So we told everyone and they looked at us like we were telling such a huge story,

"Wow Mila said that, I always knew she was insecure about Alicia being Christian's ex but come on, clearly Alicia is happy with Matt," Gwen said like it was so obvious,

"I honestly don't understand why Mila tries so hard to fight with Alicia..... Alicia moved on and I thought Mila knew that but I guess I was wrong," Harper said shaking her head,

"Yeah I knew she was crazy but her being jealous is just hilarious, " John said laughing his ass off,

"Hey don't talk about my cousin that way okay, " Manny said seriously, and they all got quiet,

Everyone started leaving and Sue went to the beach it had become her favorite place on the resort,

"What are you doing here? " Mila said upset, and Sue turned and was shocked to see her there,

"I didn't see you there Mila I just came here to breathe okay," Sue said looking at the ocean and trying hard to avoid a fight with Mila, they could never be at peace with each other,

There was a little silence and Mila finally broke the silence,

"I know he is always cheating on me and I guess I deserve it.... Because I am a horrible person, " Mila said looking down and looked sad a bit, well I didn't know she was a human after all,

Sue looked at her and honestly didn't know what to say to her because Mila had always been horrible to her and she didn't care for a person who treated her like dirt,

"Umm I know you hate me Sue I know it and I don't blame you..... I have always treated you like trash and you don't deserve it you are truly a good person and I see why everyone likes you... I guess I was mad at you because I felt like all my friends were drifting away from me to you... From Harper to Gwen, " Mila said fiddling with her fingers, they are still her friends too she just wants them all to herself,

"Look Mila don't come up with excuses... Harper and Gwen are still your friends you just decided in your heart to hate me, " Sue said truthfully and this time Mila looked at her and stood up,

Mila walked over to Sue and hugged, all Sue did was just stand there and didn't know how to react, I mean Mila has always treated her unfairly, why was she being nice now,

"Why are you being nice to me? " Sue asked and was surprised she said it out loud,

"I have been a horrible person Sue and I am trying to reverse it..... My grandpa would have been disappointed in how I was behaving I am trying to change.... I know maybe it was something Alicia said back in there back it opened my eyes, "Mila said smiling a bit,

Sue looked at Mila and she was sure as hell she had a beautiful smile, why was she always glaring at people,

"I guess it could do you good, " Sue said and smiled while looking back at Mila who smiled too,

"Also I am sorry Sue again... Umm if I hadn't said it before, " Mila said laughing and Sue joined too



I saw Mila and Sue standing at the front in the stand and I was truly shocked, I mean this is the first time they are not going at each other, they even looked like they were smiling, wow now that was unexpected,

I decided to walk there and they were both happy to see me, smiling wide, I looked at them both skeptically,

"So umm guys what is this? " I asked very confused by the situation, the last time Mila said she could never be friends with Sue so um this is very surprising,

"Well Mila and I are good now, " Sue said and smiled, umm oookay, well that is surprising I didn't see this coming at all,

"Harper it is okay you don't have to look at us like that, I actually realised I was being a total bitch to Sue and I apologized, " Mila said smiling, wow it takes a lot to see her smile,

"Well that is great guys you don't know how long I have waited for this, " I said hugging them both,

We were still laughing when we heard a weird sound,

"Oh my God what the hell was that?!! " Mila shouted, oh and she is back

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