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We were all quiet then.... But wait it was weirdly quiet until the floors started cracking and one of the staff fell through,

OH MY GOD!! I didn't see that coming.... we all started freaking out,

Mila screamed and cried hard, I was sitting now but I was freaking out,

Then all of a sudden,

"I know I might die so here it is... " everyone turned and looked at Xander who was breathing hard

"I am in love with you Sue Miller, I am crazy about you I can't help it, " Xander confessed, and Sue looked at him buggy eyed, Alicia, Gwen and I looked at each other and smiled, I knew Xander might have a thing for Sue but I was not sure,

I saw Matt smiling and side hugged his best friend, wow so he liked Sue this whole time wow,

"Julia and I got married three months ago, " Manny said, wow so it is confession time,

"What!!! " Mila shouted and Manny looked down,

"What the fuck did you just say Manny!" she shouted as she left Chris's arms, well how could he get married without telling Mila.... Wait wait wait if he didn't tell Mila so that means his parents don't know too cause as far as I know Manny and Mila are pretty close,

"I am sorry Mila it just happened okay, we were out and we just decided to go have a civil wedding, " Manny said truly, I could sense it,

"I cannot believe you Manny, you didn't tell me.....ME!! " Mila said hurt and cried a bit,

"Don't take it personally my parents don't know too, " Manny said getting defensive,

"oh eres un idiota Manuel! " I heard Mila say under her breath, oh damn

"Yo un gilipollas que hay de ti" Manny said irritated and Matt slapped him a little on his back, Christian looked like he wanted to attack Manny

"Yo de que estas hablando soy una persona de personas" Mila replied clearly outraged by Manny's statement, Sue and I looked at each other cause we understood what was happening,

"Mila te amo pero eres tan irritante y se que no te gusta Julia solo la tolera porque ella esta conmigo" Manny said quietly and already done with this conversation,

¡¡Qué!! Manny Amo a Julia Sabía que era perfecta para ti el día que la conocí" Mila said and got close to Manny clearly she was heartbroken by what he said,

"Ojalá al menos me lo dijeras Manny pero ya sabes lo que va a hacer bien Don Arana ... te va a matar" Mila said with a smile and hugged him,

"Don't even remind me, " Manny said laughing, at least they made up after that tough conversation,

The floor started cracking more, we cannot be inside right now,

"Guys we have to get out, " I said as I got up with the help of Gwen and Sue,

When we got out the house started cracking more some of the parts fell in the swimming pool, the island started breaking apart again, and Manny fell and broke his leg,

"Mannyyy!! " Mila screamed as she ran to her cousin,

"Oh my God Manuel Arana you are going to kill me today!! " she screamed in his face as he held his leg,

We were now really scared, the island was moving, it was breaking apart, some of the parts falling into the ocean, I saw a boat next to the beach but a tree fell in it and broke it, well shit,

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