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We all went to the backyard and we found Sue, Harper and Gwen sitting there on the sand talking,

I hurried and went and sat down next to Sue I really wanted to touch her hair and run my fingers through it, then I saw her looking in John's direction I couldn't help but feel jealous and my heart breaking, I loved her since the first time I met her and she is in love with someone else wow that is life, it can be unfair,

"Hey Sue, " I smiled at her, I hope I don't make a fool out of my self,

"Hey Alex, " she smiled at me, I loved when she called me Alex everyone else called me Xander but not her, she was different and she is excellent to me,

"Hey would you like to grab a beer or something ," I said softly, I knew very well she doesn't drink but hey I gotta do what I gotta do,

"I will take juice if you have that Alex, " she said smiling,

I smiled and she laughed, I got up to go get her juice and myself a beer,

"I see you buddy shooting your shots huh," I turned and saw Matt leaning on a wall smiling, I smiled back and just asked for a beer and juice for Sue,

"No no Matt I am just taking juice for Sue okay that's all, " i said and he just laughed slapping my back a little,

"Come on it is me you are talking to me I am your best friend you know you just talk to me I know you have a big crush on her come on man, " Matt said simply shaking her head,

"You know I love her okay you know that already but I think she loves John so I want to back off I want the best for her and if her being with John makes her happy then I am  happy for her, " I told John honestly,

"Well look at you being sentimental.... Cut the bullshit Alexander I know you love that girl you know you love her and you want to give her up by being fucking sentimental, are you kidding me man? " wow Matt was fucking pissed I knew cause he called me Alexander,

"Look man I don't care if I am being fucking sentimental I do love her yes but she doesn't love me she doesn't see me like that.... And even if it kills me I am willing to let her go, " I said and I knew I sounded weak but it is the truth, I have decided to just let her be happy with whoever she wants to be with that's how much I love her,

He stared at me and smiled, then he hugged me and touched my face, well he is definitely drunk as hell,

"I wish everyone was like you Xander.. Hell I wish I was like you good people like you don't deserve shit like this, " he said smiling,

I nodded and turned to Manny's deep voice,

"Hey guys what's up are you okay? Matt damn you look fucking messed up are you drunk? " Manny asked and came close to us,

"No no I am not fucking drunk Manuel, " Matt said defensive, and I laughed, Manny raised a brow at him,

I looked at Manny and he came and gave me a hug, it has been some time since we last saw Manny, I really missed him he is cool unlike his cousin,

"So Xander why didn't you tell me about Sue... I thought we were friends man, " Manny said touching his heart fake hurt, what an idiot,

"Oh God so you heard everything, please don't tell Mila okay I am not in the mood for her bitching, " when I said that he laughed so hard and slapped my back,

"And why would I do that huh?" he asked still laughing, and I shook my head at him,

"Look I too know that Mila is a handful okay you don't have to tell me, " he said coughing now, at least her cousin knows her too,

"Hey guys we are going to play some music outside," Christian came in and told us and we nodded, and followed


When we got outside I handed Matt to Alicia who happily took him and made him lay his head on her lap, they really are in love, I handed Sue her glass of juice and sat next to her and Harper,

Gwen started singing Find me by Sigma and Birdy in a soft voice and Sue held her hand, I saw Mila rolling her eyes at them,

We said goodbye, you told one so many times
We've made our peace
But this is love, I'll never give you up
I know your love is come haunting me
Like a river always running I keep losing you Like a fire always burning I'll be here for you

If you're ready, heart is open
I'll be waiting come find me If you're searching for forever
I'll be waiting come find me
I see you, here in the darkness
Blinding light right where your heart is
If you're ready, heart is open
I'll be waiting come find me come find me come find me I see you, here in the darkness
Blinding light right where your heart is
If you're ready, heart is open
I'll be waiting Come find me

We've lost our way that's what you told me last tears, they come and go
This is us, I'll never get enough
It's taking losing you to know

If you're ready, heart is open
I'll be waiting come find me If you're searching for forever
I'll be waiting come find me I see you, here in the darkness
blinding light right where your heart is
If you're ready (if you're ready), heart is open (heart is open)
I'll be waiting come find me come find me come find me

I want to meet and never leave now
I want to meet and never leave now
I see you, here in the darkness blinding light right where your heart is

If you're ready, heart is open
I'll be waiting come find me come find me
If you're ready (if you're ready), heart is open (heart is open) I'll be waiting come find me If you're ready, heart is open I'll be waiting come find me

By the time the song ended we were all smiling and it really felt good to see all of us happy and not divided like we usually are,

I wish times like these never come to an end

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