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"What the hell was that?!! " Mila shouted, Sue and I looked at each other, clearly we also didn't understand what was going on

The sound came again and everyone in the house came out, they basically rushed out

"Did you guys hear that sound? " Gwen asked and came to us, I held her hand cause I was a bit scared

"Yeah it was totally weird," Manny said and shrugged,

While Manny was heading back to the house something unexpected happened, I felt the ground move and I think everyone else felt it too, I looked at Mila and she was panicking as hell, I held her hand to comfort her as she started to breath really fast,

Ali came to us the girls too and we held hands, Manny had stopped moving and looked back at us,

The ground then started to shake really hard, Mila and Alicia screamed and their boyfriends went to comfort them, but Mila was panicking the most, it was driving me fucking insane, she is just making the situation worse

"I think the island is moving guys, " Xander said scared I could see it on his face but he was trying hard to not show it,

Mila panicked even more once she heard that, the ground shook some more and then abruptly the ground we were on started to split up into two, I grabbed Sue's hand and pulled her hard to my side, Gwen jumped too cause she was close to Sue,

We ran to the house and I tried to think for everybody else because the rest of the gang was panicking, someone had to think straight here!! 

"I don't want to die Christian please!!" Mila sobbed and Christian held her to his chest,

"We are not going to die okay, this is geography it is okay,....islands move sometimes so it is natural, " I said but I was scared as hell,

I saw John nodding at me like he understood, well at least someone gets it

Suddenly the floor started sounding like it was being hit hard and we moved to the other room, I had to make sure I had my phone to call my mom, I was so scared, here we were on an island just us, that was scary enough,

I decided to call my mom but when I put the phone to my ear the number couldn't go through, I felt my head starting to spin, if I don't hear my mom's voice right now I could just die

"Harper Harper come on!! " I heard Sue but it felt like she was far from me, my head hurt so bad,

"Harper wake up!!" I heard Gwen and Alicia shaking me while they sobbed a little,

"Come on Harper come on, " Sue was crying now, she shouted through gritted teeth

"Mmh Sue, my head really hurts, " I said touching my head, I said touching my head but it is like I couldn't even hear my own voice it is like I was speaking but it was not me

"Oh thank God, what happened?" Gwen asked as I opened my eyes,

"She fainted Gwen, " Sue said but she sounded like she was irritated I get its a panic situation

"I called my mom and the number wasn't going through so I got so worried I guess that is why I collapsed, " I said trying to sit up,

"No no you are going to rest okay, " Sue said looking me in the eye seriously, that's my best friend always looking out for me

I turned and saw Matt coming closer, he carried me to the bed and I rest my head on the pillow,

"Okay just breathe in and out, " Alicia said gesturing to me, doing it so I could repeat it too

"Wait guys the island stopped shaking, " Xander said and I turned and looked at him, I felt so weak but I had to get back up for my friends,

I tried sitting but I was pushed back down,

"Stay down okay Harper," Sue said strictly and I just smiled at her, she is such a worry wart, but I couldn't see she wasn't joking about it so I just stayed down

"I am going to try and call daddy okay guys, " Ali said and went out, there was silence for a bit I guess everyone was thinking like me

I stayed quiet thinking of what if the island moves again, what if I never see my mom ever again, what if we never make it home, most of us didn't tell our parents,

Christian didn't tell his mom, which I don't understand cause she already lets him do weird shit,

John I am not sure he is secretive enough,

Mila told her parents because she told me about it,

Gwen didn't tell her parents for reasons Sue and I now know of, Sue sure did tell her mother I don't know about her father,

Manny only told his girlfriend,

Xander I don't know we are not that close,

Matt told his parents who were supportive,

Alicia told her parents, and I told my mom, but now I was worried because she hadn't heard from me, I forgot to tell her we arrived, she must be worried sick,

"Well mine isn't going through either, " Ali said as she came back in, now we are screwed

I think the service is down and we are on a goddamn island, what the fuck are we going to do!!

"I think the service is down, so what are we going to do if we cannot call our parents, " Mila said sobbing, wow I was getting really tired of her sobbing it was getting on my damn nerves,

"We are going to be okay baby..... Am here with you, " Christian said to her and she hid her face in his neck, well that was giddamn sweet

"We have to find a way to contact our parents or anyone for help cause I am not going to be stuck on a moving island it is freaking ticking time bomb we don't know what it could do!! " Manny said scared as well while moving from side to side,

"Manny calm down!!" Matt said like he was so tired of everyone freaking out,

I was just quiet the whole time just looking to whoever was talking,

Manny started saying little words under his breath but he sure as hell was freaking out and if right on que, the island started moving again, Mila screamed, here we go again

"I am sorry but we are having a problem with the service-" well duhhh,

"-but we are doing everything we can to get you all off this island we are contacting the onland people so stay put, " one of the staff ladies said,

Sue was sitting next to me with Gwen and Alicia on my other side, Mila was in Chris's arms, Xander was standing with Matt, Manny was facing a wall in a corner, John was standing there,

There was silence in the room all that could heard was Mila's sobbing, and maybe fast breathing from Manny,

The island moved and it made a weird sound together with hard hitting on the floors,

We were all quiet then,..... But wait it was weirdly quiet until.....

To be continued..

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