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I woke up only to find out I am alone in bed, wow Chris left again, it makes me wonder I am his girlfriend but he keeps sneaking off early in the morning, I turned and looked at the time and saw that it was 11:15am.....dammit this time I really did it, I usually wake up by 10am but I just had to go with Gwen to that new club that was just opened, actually the opening of the club was only invitation only and Gwen got us tickets,

Yeah my parents are rich, I am someone a lot of people would like to call a rich brat but I don't care I didn't choose this life, actually both my parents have separate jobs, my father Don Facundo Valasco owns Valasco Whiskey, I guess now you know my other name I am Mila Valasco and my mother Liana Sanchez owns a hair care company so they are separate millionaires and I am an only child which makes me super rich... hey don't get mad at me

I was still too lazy to get out of bed when my phone started ringing,

"Manny what's up, " I asked, Manuel "Manny" is my cousin from my mother's side, his mother Vilma Sanchez-Arana is my mom's sister

"So I heard that Gwen booked the resort and it is on an island in the Caribbean," Manny said excitedly, I just smiled,

"Really? I thought we were going to stay in a hotel but I guess if the resort is all to us then that is okay, but anyway how is Julia? " I asked getting out of bed,

Julia is Manny's longtime girlfriend, they have been dating for over 8 years since Manny was 15 it is really amazing but that is how it is

"Oh she is great she just said hi to you right now she is here with me," he replied happy,

I laughed into the phone, "Oh that is good tell her I miss her I need to take her out shopping sometime," I heard Julia shouting a yes again and again,

"Manuel Arana am I on loudspeaker? " I asked offended with a laugh,

"Yes actually, now bye Mila, see you later, " he said and ended the phone call,


I walked into the bathroom and washed my face first then took a shower and headed to the kitchen, I got some orange juice and drank while checking my instagram, wow it was a wild party last night, lots of photos on my story then I saw one with Gwen making out with one guy I even don't remember taking that, ooh shit my head hurts like hell, I took some more juice and rested on my couch,

This apartment was bought for me by my dad but he also added a lecture while getting it for me, he said and I quote,

"esta es la única casa que te voy a comprar Mila, you are a big girl now you have to work!" he commanded with his deep voice,

My father has always wanted me to be just like everybody else but what can I say I am Don Facundo's daughter it's like he forgets that some time I can never be like everybody else

I mean how can I work when my parents are Don Facundo Valasco and Liana Sanchez there is no way in hell, I know they will always provide for me.

I was still checking my phone when Harper sent me a text to meet her at the mall, yay shopping.. I love shopping with Harper she is laid back but when it comes to clothes she can't be stopped and I love her for that.


I arrived at the mall and got out of my Audi and went in to meet Harper, I was still walking when I heard her shout my name, I turned and saw her with Sue, oh come on I thought she was going to be here alone, all of us in the group know that Sue is a huge pretender she pretends to be quiet, yeah she belongs to a rich family but I don't think she belongs in our circle,

I approached them both smiling, I crashed Harper in a hug, "Hey Harper I missed you so bad, " I said and she giggled,

"Me too Mila I am sorry I had to go with my mom to Greece for business and I didn't tell you but I told Sue, " she said smiling, wow so she told Sue and she didn't tell her closest friend who is me by the way,

"Wow so Sue knew but I didn't, " I said crossing my arms on my chest looking at her irritated

"Mila don't make this a thing okay, I just told you now let it go please, " she said rolling her eyes and the whole time Sue was just there looking at us quietly,

"Um hi Sue, " I said because I really didn't know what to say to her, and she did a small wave,

"Hi Mila," she replied quietly, see this is the shit I am telling you about she really gets on my nerves I even don't know why Harper would think that Sue and I could ever become close... Like ever, I am more of a rocket and she is a car, I aim higher while she is still in the same spot, argggghhh,

Harper looked at both of us and sighed, yeah I am onto her I know she has been trying to get Sue and I to get along but it just won't work,

"Alright let's go to that restaurant over there and get something to eat that's okay girls? " she asked looking at both of us and we simply nodded,

To be honest I regret even coming here it is really awkward I just thought I was going to spend time with Harper alone and no third parties but guess I was wrong, I just want to see Christian now,

"So Mila I called you here because I want you to help me convince Sue over here that this vacation we are going to take that we have been planning for months is worth it, " Harper looked at me with a sad look,

I am sorry but why would I do that, if she doesn't want to go then she doesn't go period,

"Um Harper you know you can't force things on a person if Sue here does not want to go then why go through the trouble of convincing her, " I said truthfully looking at Sue,

"Wow Mila I thought you would help I mean we are all friends right? " she said looking between us,

"Look Harper deja de intentar hacernos amigos porque ella nunca será mi amiga," I said simply, and Sue looked at me,

I said it in Spanish because I knew Harper understood, she looked pissed and as she was going to say something Sue stopped her,

"I don't want to be friends with someone like you too Mila I saw how you looked at me when you saw me with Harper I don't need to be friends with a brat like you, " Sue said a bit raising her voice and I was offended, how dare she talk to me like that, I was surprised though she came out of her shell,

"Yes Mila I know Spanish and there is a lot more things you don't know about me, I am sorry Harper but I have to leave," she said the last part nodding at Harper who accepted slowly,

When Sue left the restaurant, I turned and saw Harper glaring at me and I sighed, look I may not be a big fan of Sue but I don't want to lose Harper as a friend,

"What the hell is wrong with you Mila? " she said clearly upset

Oooh that's it for ChapterTwo


esta es la única casa que te voy a comprar Mila, - this is the only house I will be buying you Mila

Look Harper deja de intentar hacernos amigos porque ella nunca será mi amiga - Look Harper I know you have been trying to make us friends but she will never be my friend I mean look at her

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