Yoongi: 23 June Year 22

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I opened my phone the minute I noticed all the notifications on our chatroom. It was already dark outside.

It wasn't the easiest task: sorting out all the lyrics I'd scribbled down into one song. I sorted through the ones that had survived the fire. I could still remember their melodies like it was yesterday.

Most songs I had in that pile had been written in that storage room in high school. Looking back, I hadn't written that much. Even today, I was still running away from music.

I opened the chatroom, surprised by how many messages there were. Jimin was the one who'd made the chatroom. They'd started talking before I'd been invited.

As I read the messages, thrown into the middle of a conversation, Taehyung texted.

Taehyung: do you guys know what the map of the soul is?

Hoseok texted back.

Hoseok: what's that?

Taehyung: Hyung, if I knew why would I ask?

Hoseok: good point. Then why are you asking?

They kept texting back and forth for a whole until Jimin responded and explained the whole story.

Jimin: I went to the hospital and ran into Seokjin Hyung on my way back. He told me he was looking for the map of the soul.

A while later Namjoon joined as well.

Namjoon: Seokjin asked me that too. A while back he asked me if I knew what the map of the soul is. He said it'd be the only way to end all of this.

No one responded to that. We were all probably lost in thought. What did Seokjin need to end? We all knew Seokjin had started acting a little strange lately.

Would he be okay once he found this 'map of the soul'? What was it? And how could we find it?

Everyone started talking again later on.

Someone texted asking why Jungkook wasn't invited to the chatroom.

Jimin's response was a little vague and unsure.

Jimin: I wanted to invite him, but he's still hurt.

I wondered why Jimin had gone to the hospital. I wondered how he felt, going back to that place, after he'd been trapped there for so many years before.

I'd already closed the chat. I quickly opened it again and sent a quick text.

Yoongi: it's okay. You did well. We'll let Jungkook rest a little while longer.




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