Taehyung: 7 June Year 20

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"Stupid dog couldn't even wait a second, could it?"
We hadn't found Dubu yet. We'd already scoped the entire neighborhood. It'd been twenty minutes already! How could a two month puppy go so far in that short amount of time?

The sun was hot. It was summer. My throat was sore from calling for Dubu. All I did was answer my phone and he slipped out of his leash and ran off. I ran down alleys and looked in every door. I called for him. All I got was stares from people walking by.

I have to admit I got quite angry. I called him a little mutt and said that was why he'd ran away. But I knew that wasn't the case. It wasn't his fault at all. He was mine after all. I was responsible for him. I chose to check my phone instead of looking after him.

But....what if he'd ran away because of me? I stopped walking for a second. Maybe he didn't like me as his owner? I enjoyed having him live with me. But maybe to him it meant nothing?! But maybe he missed his family...

A second later I heard the familiar sound of paws on pavement. I heard Dubu barking too. At first I was sure I was hallucinating, my imagination even!

But when I tuned around, there he was running down the alley. His ears were flapping in the wind, his tongue out as he ran uphill.

"Dubu!" I kneeled down as he ran straight for me. "Where did you go? How did you find me? Did you remember me?"

As I held him a strange feeling came over me. I had a sort of realization. I finally could be reliable to someone. Dubu had me and me only to rely on. I was someone he could come back to.

Dubu tried to squirm away from me, but I only held him closer to me.

thank you for your patience and I hope you are all doing well!




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