Jungkook: 13 June Year 22

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I saw myself lying in my bed, in the hospital. I looked like I was dreaming...it didn't look like I was having a good dream. It was probably a nightmare. Then my other self woke up. We stared at each other.

In that moment I realized my other self in the bed had had a nightmare. They'd dreamt of the accident again.

When we met eyes I felt myself fall away.

I was in bed now, in the hospital. My other self was still above me. We switched like that for a while.

It felt as if we were merging somehow. Two parallels of myself were colliding. At a fast rate.

I woke up screaming. I felt sick. My breath was short and I was sweating.

My mother called the doctor in to check if I was alright. He said I was alright. Just a few fractures and bruising. Almost no blessing. I was recovering quickly. There was no need to be worried. I'd been lucky to survive the accident.

Then I remembered something.

Living will be more painful than dying. Are you alright with that?

I looked up at the doctor. It was time that I ask him what I needed to.

"Who was it that hit me in that accident, doctor?"




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