35. I hated That Fact.

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Mackenna's POV

I bit my lower lip and goose bumps crawled onto my skin when I felt Angelo's hands skim on either sides of my bare waist. I inhaled sharply when I sensed his soft lips on the nape of my neck.

"I dare you.." He whispered dragging his lips to my collar bone. My body squinched up when his lips parted and sucked in an amount of my skin.

"To tell me that I should stop." He uttered. A knot knitted in the pit of my stomach when his hands moved up to my skin, which was bare and I felt his hand slide to my stomach.

"Barbie..." He whispered. His tongue flung out and licked the skin on my collar bone and later he gave it a bite. I cursed myself mentally when a moan seeped out of my mouth.

His hands moved of my waist, and brushed on my forearm all the way up to my elbow and he locked my arms behind me. He placed his hands on shoulder and dipped his face into the space beneath my ear. I moaned again when he gave the skin on my neck another bite, later he licked the mark and sucked my skin.

"Angelo stop." I whispered lamely and gulped.

"I'm sorry Barbie, but I can't..." He groaned shifting his hands to my hip. "Unless you push me away." He whispered into my ears and I exhaled softly when his minty breath tickled my cheek.

I gasped quietly when he gently turned me around with his hands on my hips and he pressed my body to his. Placing his hands beneath my upper arms, he slowly dragged my palms on his chest and swathed his hands around my neck gently.

He used his thumbs to lift my chin to meet his crystal blue eyes which were full of regret, sadness and want. I could feel his heartbeat. It was the same as mine.

"Barbie, don't you want me back?" He whispered as if there was a lump in his throat.

"Don't you miss me?" He swallowed. My heart ached when I noticed his eyes was slightly glassy. He leaned his face to mine and I felt his lips close to mine. I shut my eyes and my lips parted slowly.

"Don't you wish I kiss you right now?" He whispered. Sparks spread throughout my body when I felt his lips slightly brushing over mine. "Because..I want to.." He gently rubbed his nose on mine.


He can't just kiss me. I understand that he's sorry for breaking my heart but he also made me aware that he doesn't like me anymore. So that meant he wouldn't want me back,

"N-no.." I said breathlessly. "Stop." My voice came out weakly. "Leave me."

My hands were still on his chest so I pushed him back. I picked up my books and packed them into my bag.

Screw the tutor lessons, I was going home. I was gently spun around by him and he had a soft grip on my upper arm.

"Angelo let me go." I warned. I felt slightly disappointed when his grip loosened and I quickly left his room and his house.Tears streamed down my cheeks as I opened the door of my car, plopped it and closed the door.

My vision was blurry with tears as I revved the engine to drive home.


I was still crying when I got home, and the first person I met up with was Cadwell. When I caught up with him, I hugged his torso and cried into his shirt.

He embraced me and patted my back for a while. When we tore away he gave me a questioning look.

"Kenny where were you? Why did you go where you went?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No, please tell me." He begged making me sit on the sofa and he sat next to me.

"I can't." I whimpered.

"Why?" He asked.

"You'll get angry." I informed looking at him with my puffy eyes,

"Okay, I swear I won't get angry. Is it about Angelo?" He asked and new tears stream down my face again. My stomach churned when I remembered our sortta intimate moment.

"Y-yes." I stuttered and swallowed and he made a gesture which proved he was eager to hear the rest.

"I went to his house for him to tutor me on literature because our teacher said he's supposed to tutor me.." I began and he nodded for me to continue.

When I continued telling him more, I realised that I indeed I missed Angelo. I hated that fact. I was just being hard on my self because of the hurtful things he had said to me.

He needs to feel the hurt too. He just needs to.

I finnished up my talk and Cadwell led out a deep sigh.

"I think you should go sleep." He advised and I nodded getting up to go to my room.

Cadwell's POV

She was in pain. And I hated to see her like that. So I decided to do the right thing. I stopped right at Angelo's house and I rung the doorbell before Clementina opened the door for me.

"Caddy, you're here?...for um who?" She asked.

"Uhh where's Angelo?" I asked leaning down to peck her cheek.

"Oh..he's in his um..room." She smiled blushing and I nodded following her to his room.

"So I'll get you some juice or..maybe um..:

"Juice is fine." I smiled at her and blush stained her cheeks as she left.

I opened his door and I didn't think he even he realised me. He was lying on his bed, with his arm folded above his head.

"Barbie I'm sorry please." He groaned. So that's what he called her.

"Um..unfortunately for you, I'm not your ex." I spoke and he shot up onto and upright position. He looked at me and rubbed his eyes

"Look, I'm not here to beat you up, just here to request something." I sighed leaning on his door frame.

"What?" He asked drily.

"I know you broke her heart and all, and you want her back, I see she wants same so I'm here to beg you to fix her." I said gritting my teeth when I said 'beg'

"But she doesn't want me to fix her, I've tried apologising severally to her but she's just doesn't want to lay me off easily. I'm suffering dude." He complained.

"Well, sorry but that's my sister for you. She's hard to get so I suggest you work harder." I advised. "She looks so dull nowadays, unlike she was in the past, and it's not nice to see her like that." I added.

"So..what should I do if I want her to forgive me?" He asked.

"You're a guy. You should know." I concluded and left his room.


We're still hoping.

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