The mooses

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*Alex's Pov*

I wake up to banging on my door and I moan at the thought of moving but the banging continues. I get up and I trudge to my bedroom door. I open it to see Hayden standing there really annoyed.

"What?" I ask really annoyed for waking me up this early on a Sunday.

"We're going to be late why aren't you dressed yet?" Hayden asks.

"Dressed for what?" I ask.

"School," Hayden yells fed up.

"But it's only Sunday," I say rubbing my eyes.

"No it's Monday and we have to leave in 10 minuets," Hayden says walking down the hall.


I quickly grab a white body suit and ripped black jeans, I throw my hair into a messy pony tail and I put on a bit of makeup. I slide on my white heels and I put on a black baseball hat. I grab a black raincoat since it's meant to be raining later and I go down stairs. I grab my bag and I head out to the car where Hayden is waiting with smoothies. I jump in and we head to school.

"How did you get ready in 10 minuets but still look amazing," Hayden says.

"Thanks," I smile taking a sip of the smoothie, "You know how a few months ago you asked if I would ever not want a smoothie well I don't I want a big pot of coffee."

"But you haven't had coffee since that summer," Hayden says.

"I don't care that's what I want," I say as we pull up to the school.

The bell rings as we walk in the doors. I quickly grab my books and head to Lit. I walk in and everyone looks at me.

"Ms. Jones you are late, hurry up and take a seat," my teacher tells me and I nod and I go and sit in the only free seat which is beside Shawn. Great.

"Hey," Shawn smiles as I sit down.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask.

"Shhhhhh," my teacher says staring at Shawn and I.

"I just got told I'm going to be playing in the match on Friday," Shawn whispers.

"That's great," I smile.

"Shhhh," my teacher says.

"You should come," Shawn says.

"My mom want's to have dinner with Hayden and I but I will try get out of it," I say with a smile.

"Shawn, Alex, zip it," my teacher whisper yells which makes Shawn and I laugh. We compose ourselves and we get on with our work.


"I got out of dinner I can go to your hockey match," I say when I reach Shawn's locker.

"That's great," Shawn smiles.

We walk out the doors of the school then go our separate ways to our cars.


I quickly head home to get ready for the game. I put on black ripped jeans and a blue crop top for our schools colours. I found a blue crop top with Shawn's number on which is 8 so I had to wear it. I slide on heeled black boots and I grab my bag. Hayden and I head out to the car. We pull up to the school and we walk into the ice rink. Hayden spots her friends and goes and sits with them while I go sit with Ryan and the others.

"Hey Alex can we talk?" I hear Josh say.

"Not now Josh, and anyway you need to go get ready for the game, it starts soon," I say.

"Please Alex," Josh begs.

"Fine," I say standing up from my seat and walking out to a quiet area to talk.

"Why did you tell people you were pregnant with my kid when we haven't even you know," Josh says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why the fuck would I say that?" I yell.

"Faith said you spread it to get attention," Josh says.

"That's because Faith was the one to spread it, I have to go and so do you bye Josh," I say walking back into the rink and sitting beside Sami.

"What did he want?" Sami asks.

"Nothing," I say.

About 20 minuets later the game starts. The first third ends and all the guys have a break. I look down at all of them and Josh mouths 'Sorry'. The second the second third starts we all scream.

"Go mooses," I yell.

Shawn scores a goal and I scream really loud. He looks up at me and gives me a smile. A guy from the other team skates over and slams into Shawn. My heart stops as he just lays there on the ice the whole crowd goes silent as the paramedics rush onto the ice. I run out of the stands and into the boys locker room not caring about anything but making sure Shawn is alright. The paramedics come in and put him on a table. I stand there in shock. I run over and give him a hug and he squeezes my hand.

"It's a sprain," one of the paramedics says, "Just keep off it for the next few days and you will be fine," She says and then they leave.

"I'm so sorry," I say looking at Shawn.

"For what it's not you fault," Shawn says drawing circles on my hand with his thumb.

"Yes it is, if I didn't distract you, you wouldn't have gotten hurt," I say.

"It's not your fault, I should have been paying attention and that jackass shouldn't have slammed me, it's not your fault for just cheering," Shawn smiles softly.

"I'm still sorry," I say resting my head on his sholder.

We sit there in silence for a few minuets and then a guy walks by in just a towel.

"I forgot this is the boys locker room, I'm just gonna go before there's a guy with now towel, bye," I say standing up and leaving.

"Bye," Shawn yells after me.

I don't feel like watching the rest of the match so I just wait in the car for Hayden

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