The truth

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*Alex's Pov*

After everything Shawn dropped me off at home. He didn't want me to leave but I told him I would be fine. At the moment I'm at his house laying on his bed watching random shows on tv.

"It's getting late, I should get home," I say going to stand up.

"No stay," Shawn says pulling me down by the waist.

"My mom will be wondering where I am," I say trying to wiggle out of his arms but it's no use because he's to strong.

"Shawn," I moan but he doesn't let go, "I'm serious."

"Oh you're serious eh?" Shawn says tickling me.

"Yes," I laugh.

"Fine," Shawn says letting go.

I stand up and he stays in bed giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Bye," I smile walking out the door.

"Bye," he sighs.

I head out to my car. Before I get in I look up at Shawn's window and I see him smiling. I smile back and he quickly hides. I giggle as I drive home. He's such a dork but a dork I think I might love. Which is crazy to think since we aren't even dating and I have only known him for a few months.

I walk into my house and I hear yelling. Normally I can only hear one side of the fight but this time I can hear both.

"Faye, I have to tell them, you have to tell them because I don't want to be the bad guy who left his family anymore," I hear my dad yell.

"I don't want to tell them, we are not telling them," my mom yells back.

"Tell us what?" I ask walking into the kitchen with Hayden close behind. When they hear me speak they jump and turn to look at us.

"Nothing," my mom says, "It's nothing."

"Tell is what?" I ask again getting really annoyed.

"Levi don't you dare," my mom says starring at my dad.

"The reason your mother and I got a divorce," my dad says but I interrupt.

"Got as in it's final," I say .

"Yes it was finalised two weeks ago your mother didn't tell you," my dad says.

"No," I yell, "continue."

"We got a divorce after I found your mom cheating on me then she kicked me out when I wanted to tell you," my dad says.

I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do, I don't even know what to think. It starts to get hard to breathe and tears stream down my face. I run outside and I call Shawn.

"Shawn," I say through the tears.

"Alex what's wrong? Are you okay?" Shawn asks by I can't answer I physically can't answer, "Where are you?"

"Home," I manage to say.

"Okay I'm on my way," he says and he hangs up.

I just stand in the middle of the toad crying finding it hard to breathe. I move off the road onto the path when a car honks at me after nearly running me over. I run my hands through my hair and I try to take deep breaths. A few minutes later Shawn pulls up in his Jeep. He gets out and runs over to me. He wraps his arms around me and I place my head on his chest. He calms me down and I eventually stop crying.

"Do you want to come to mine?" Shawn asks and I nod. We drive to his house and we lay on his bed hugging.

"My mom cheated on my dad and that's why they got a divorce and they finalised it two weeks ago and my mom didn't even tell us," I finally say.

"Alex, I'm so sorry, you don't deserve this," Shawn says drawing circles on my back with his fingers.

"Why are your bags packed?" I ask noticing his bags in the corner.

"Oh I have a meeting in New York in two days," Shawn says.

"Oh," I reply.

"I don't have to go if you need me," Shawn says.

"No, go, I will be fine," I smile even though it's not a real smile.

We lay there in silence for a while just hugging. It makes me feel better some what.

"You still haven't told me how you got your scar," Shawn says touching my forehead where the scar is.

"Well I have to have at least one secret," I smile genuinely this time which makes Shawn smile.

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