💔 Eight ❤️

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The last bell rings for the day and Jisung sprints out of his last hour class to find the outcast. Well, Jisung's finding him to give him a friend; that friend is Park Jisung himself.

"Hey Jisung!" Jaemin calls out to the younger, since they chat right away everyday once class is dismissed. Though, he doesn't hear is name being called, causing him to slip away.

Hearing what Donghyuck and Jeno has told him during lunch earlier caused his blood to boil. His heart suddenly wanted to become friends with the Chinese boy. So that's his mission for the rest of the day: to get an ex-friend back.

Problem is: Jisung doesn't know how the boy gets home, what's his last class, if he goes to clubs after school, anything. That's why Jisung's legs ache with pain as he sprints down the hallways and pushes past people. He spots a teacher and starts hoping that she knows Chenle.

"Excuse me," Jisung tries to speak besides being out of breath, "But do you know where Zhong Chenle could be?"

"I'm sorry, but who? I don't have him as a student." The teacher looks at the boy with confusion in her eyes.

Jisung groans and says 'thank you' as he starts to run again. He runs to the nearest door and violently pushes it wide open, hitting his hands a little bit too hard against it. He might need to bandage them later, they hurt as he tries to tighten up his hands into fists again. He turns right to go to the back of the school; barely anyone hangs out there after school.

Turning the corner, Jisung spots the Chinese boy with his back turned towards him. Quietly gasping, Jisung uses the last of his energy to catch up to the boy to steadily walk next to him.

"Hey, Chenle, right? I'm Jisung, want to be friends again?" Jisung's voice tired to stay hopeful despite the obvious wheezing coming from his lungs.

Chenle's eyes meets the taller's. At first his eyes seemed curious and naive, but then immediately switching to anger once he realizes who's at his side.

"No, just leave me alone. Just go away." Chenle jogs away, knowing he has the upper hand since the younger's breathing was still shaky.

"Okay," Jisung pauses for a bit to think, "This might be harder than I was expecting..."

Jisung sits down against the wall, wondering how he's going to convince Chenle that he's not a threat.

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