💔 Fourteen 💔

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The next day arrives and no trouble comes along with it. The Dreamies didn't question Jisung during lunch nor did they stop him from seeing Chenle after school. This causes to make Jisung feel weirded out.

Had Jaemin snitched and told them not to care (physically impossible but there's a chance)? Had they believed Jisung's clear lying the day before (also physically impossible)?

Jisung starts to worry as he approaches the back door, wondering if any Dreamie, specifically Jeno, had done anything to Chenle. He pushes the door open and proceeds to look around: nothing. No Chinese boy in sight. He walks around the corner to see if he's hiding again: nobody.

Jisung starts to speak in denial, "He's not hurt, he just went home for the day. I did take, like, 10 years to walk here, so he just got impatient, that's all."

This pattern proceeds to unravel for the rest of the week, it with each day comes more concern, and Jisung hates it. He asks Jaemin on Thursday if he'd seen the outcast, but no luck. Neither of them had seen any trace of jinx and this made the younger scared.

Maybe Chenle is just sick or on a family trip, yet the problem is Jisung doesn't know. He doesn't have a way to contact him, and he's already tried to find the older's Instagram account, but no success.

On the last day of the school week, Jisung sprints faster than ever before, due to not wanting to waste any second running too slow. His breath immediately picks up, he's not even on the first floor of the building yet. He speeds down the stairs, almost tripping on his own feet, causing him to clutch onto the hand rails.

The door flies open with a violent shove that sends a wave of pain through Jisung's writs, but he doesn't care about it. All that matters is seeing Chenle.

His head whips from side-to-side as wind blows his hair in several different directions. Still no Chenle to be seen.

Honestly at this point, Jisung just wants to give up on befriending the Chinese boy. His will to keep looking for the boy erupts in loud shrieks that could be heard from any side of the world.

"CHENLE!!" Jisung's screams at the top of his lungs, his voice cracks from the sudden outburst, "Chenle where ever you are, I just want to be friends!! Maybe even more than that!"

Jisung's confession to absolutely no one in particular sends small beads of tears to his eyes. He quickly wipes them away, not wanting to get puffy eyes from crying. He looks around once more, wanting to see if the Chinese boy had appeared due to his explosion, but still nothing.

He leaves the school grounds that day with pain on his face, but he doesn't hear the whimpers coming from the one area he didn't look.

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