Chapter 10

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" why is stark hosting a party tomorrow night?"

I buttoned up my coat and followed jake out the door to the awaiting car.

" apparently it's for your welcoming back." He called back to me.

He unlocked the doors and I slid in the passengers side, buckling up and turning to face him.

" really? They've cried and fainted and screamed enough. I don't want a party. I'm just glad to be back."

He shrugged and put the car into gear and started to drive off.

" they-we all missed you so much. We can't stand not celebrating your coming back."

I sighed and rested my head against the seat.

" and to think, the greetings aren't over yet."

He nodded and stopped suddenly at a red light.

" exactly. Have you said hi to Phil yet? It'll shock him. Especially how he said he thought you as his daughter in his speech at the funeral."

My eyes widened." Really? He said that?"

He nodded and stopped at the curb." He did."

" so what's the plan for today."I asked and stepped out of the car.

" well. "

He started looking at his phone." First, we shop, then eat lunch, then we go get snacks, and then we go back to my floor in the tower and we watch movies, play video games, eat supper, etc. how does that sound?"

I grinned wildly." That sounds amazing."

He grinned and held out his arm for me to hold.

I hooked my arm in his and we skipped to the door of the store." Well then, off we go." He said happily and flung open the door dramatically.

" what color suits me best? Red or black?" He asked holding two different shirts up in front of him.

I turned away from the rack I was looking at and furrowed my eyebrows in thought.

" hmmm, black." I said quickly.

He nodded in agreement." I thought so to."

He went and put the red shirt back and called me over.

" next we'll look for clothes for you. But right now I gotta find something to wear to the party."

I thought for a moment." What about this?" I asked picking up a midnight black jacket that would go perfectly with his white button up shirt.

His eyes widened." Yes! That's perfect!"

He jumped up and down and pulled it gently from my hands and quickly pecked me on the cheek." Thanks Zoe!"

He grabbed a pair of pants to go with it and rushed into a change room.

I started checking things on my phone when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and smiled." Hey Steve!"

He smiled ." Hey, jake here too?" He asked.

I nodded and pointed to the stall." He takes so long in the change room." I said exaggerating a little.

" well I just had to pick up a tux for tomorrow night. I'll see you tomorrow I guess! Since your hanging with jake now!" I nodded and hugged him awkwardly.

I didn't know how to feel about him. It felt like we just kissed randomly and then nothing happened. I need to ask what exactly is happening between us.

But I'll save that till tomorrow.

" alright. See ya." I smiled half heartedly.

He looked a little off as I waved to him.

Minutes later jake FINALLY came out.

He smiled at me and payed for his stuff.

Dragging me towards a random store, he asked me." Was Steve here?"

I nodded." For a minute yes."

He stopped pulling me." You like him."

I blushed. "I don't know jake, how I feel. Yes we kissed. But it feels like nothing even happened like we were just so happy to see each other that we kissed . It just doesn't feel like he meant it."

He half smiled and put his hand on my shoulder." Trust me he likes you. He wouldn't go looking for you if he didn't. And just forget about it till tomorrow. This is our night!"

I smiled and nodded." Alright let's do this!"

He grinned and pulled me into the store.

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