Chapter 8

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" hey Bruce." I said silently, leaning against the door frame.

He dropped whatever he was holding and glass shattered across the floor as he stared at me with big eyes.

" Zoe!" He jumped over the glass and ran to me, picking me up and spinning me in circles.

" I knew you'd find her Steve!" He smiled an set me down, turning to the sound of a familiar feminine voice.

" honey, what's going on in there?"

She walked into the room and her hands immediately flew to her face, trying to slow down the tears.

" is this real?" She asked.

I nodded and walked over to her, squeezing her tightly.

" it's good to see you again Betty." I said trying to hold in the back the tears threatening to fall.

" h-how?" She stuttered.

I sat her down." It'll all be explained some other day when everyone's here. It's a little bit of a long story." I said rubbing her back.

" b-but how?" She asked again.

I chuckled softly and patted her on the back.

I was so close to every one of the girls, and every one else here in the avengers tower.

She sobbed again and I looked over to the guys and did a ' give us a moment' look.

They got it immediately and they scurried out of the room.

Natasha came over and sat on the other side of Betty and started to tear up as well.

" calm down you too. I'm here. There's no need to cry." I hushed them.

They looked up and Tasha said." These aren't tears of sadness. These are of happiness!" She cried.

" alright guys. I'm sorry to cut this crying party short. But I need to pay a visit to the others." I said hugging them both tightly and then walking quickly out the door, gesturing for the guys to come closer.

" their kinda in a crying fest right now, I just warned you in case."

I smirked.

They smiled ." Hey. It's good to have your sarcasm back!" Bruce laughed, patting me on the back.

I heard the elevator ding in the next room.

" that's tony and pepper, and maybe Gwen and Peter too." Steve whispered.

I grinned." Well this will be a surprise!" Snuck out of the room and his behind a wall , winking at the guys.

I moved out of sight and stood next to the elevator.

They walked in and I played it cool.

" so I was thinking about making pizza for dinner. Anybody up to that?"

They spun around and they dropped whatever they were holding.

" hey. Steve found you!" Tony said happily pecking me on the cheek.

I nodded and smiled." Yup. Hey pepper."

She was still in shock . Her eyes were wide and it looked like she was gonna pass out.

I was right.

As soon as I said that she fainted.

My eyes widened and I ran over desperately trying to wake her up along with the help of tony.

" Zoe......" Peters voice came from the door.

" yo spidey!" I smirked wrapping my arms around his waist.

He froze for a minute before it all came to him.

" are you a ghost? Cause I am so sorry. I was not the one who stole your pop tarts it was Thor. There you can go rest in peace." He said backing up slowly.

I laughed." Dude I'm real, ya know. "

He still didn't believe me." How are you here?" He asked.

" long story." He nodded." Well.......OMG YOUR ALIVE!" He screeched finally realizing it.

He scooped me into his arms and kissed me on the cheek before putting me down.

" this is crazy. I need to go lie down." He said walking towards his room." Gwen honey ya coming?" He yelled.

I turned and smiled at Gwen who also stood frozen with her finger pointing at me and her mouth agape.

" oh God. Don't faint. Please do not faint." I begged going over to her and waving my hand in front of her face.

She blinked twice and stared at me." Oh. My. Gosh."

I nodded." Hey Gwen. I'm alive." I smiled and waved awkwardly.

" I missed you so much! Where were you all these years?" She asked and found her arms around my neck, squeezing me tightly.

" Peter has been on my nerves lately thank God your here!" She smiled as happy tears ran down her face.

" I heard that!" Peter yelled from inside his room.

We giggled and let go of each other as I gazed around the room.

" I need to know how your alive." She prodded.

" wait . Till tonight." I said and she nodded slowly before skipping off to Peter , squealing.

" hey tony. I forgot to ask. Tasha told me jake was on a date but I even forgot he was in a coma. What happened to that?" I asked .

I turned to him as he sat next to pepper trying to wake her up.

He looked up and smiled sheepishly.

" he kinda woke up right after you 'died'" he squeaked out.

I did a low whistle." Well that's unfortunate."

He nodded." When's he gonna be back?" I asked.

" any moment now." He shrugged.

I grinned." Great."

I skipped to jakes room and made myself comfortable on the bed.

Minutes later I heard the door open and he walked in, talking on the phone.

" alright babe. Talk to you later." He said and hung up the phone.

I pretended to stare off into space and said.

" who's the girl?"

He jumped and threw his phone at me.

I move just in time and stood, walking to him.

He was in a defensive stance and he had a gun pointed at my head.

" whoa there. Don't wanna kill me again." I said holding my hands in the air.

He lowered his gun and it clanked on the floor.

" Zoe?" He asked.

I bit my lip and nodded." Yup. The one and only."

He fell to his knees and covered his face with his hands.

Before I knew it I was on the ground next to him, hugging him tightly as he sobbed.

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