Chapter 17

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The conference room was quiet.

The only sound was the sound of my head repeatedly being banged against the table.

" will you PLEASE stop doing that Zoe. Please I love you, but stop."

Tony groaned.

I lifted my head up and rolled my eyes and looked to Steve.

" does my forehead look bruised." I asked drowsily.

He turned to me and stared at my forehead with furrowed eyebrows.

" naw your good."

I smiled and turned to face fury who had just cleared his throat.

" a level thirteen. We need backup. This is war avengers. "

He started out, pacing the room.

" I know that you guys are labeled as 'earths mightiest heroes,' and all but I thought you guys would need some help, so I called in some people."

All our heads shot up. " who?"

We all asked in sync.

He nodded to the door and in walked none other then the fantastic four, And Electra.

Oh shoot.

Right this is the big league.

I'm not a criminal anymore.

I'm an avenger.

Deep breath Zoe.

I stood calmly and walked over to them, the others slowly following.

" Zoe Barton." I said sticking my hand out to the first woman.

She was a little taller than me and she had long blonde hair.

" sue Richards." She said shaking my hand slightly and then smiling.

I smiled back and nodded." Pleasure to meet you Zoe. I've heard a lot about you!" She said.

I froze." Really? Even my dark side?"

She nodded." Everyone starts on a wrong path, but at least your on the right one now."

I looked down and nodded, thinking about what she said.

" I guess your right. Thanks."

She smiled and nodded, turning to talk to Tasha.

" Johnny storm." A voice came from behind me.

I rolled my eyes and groaned.

Me and Johnny had met earlier, five years ago actually.

" I know who you are Johnny. You don't have to introduce yourself every time."

He laughed and opened his arms up, gesturing for me to hug him.

" oh come on zo zo, admit it, you missed me."

I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his waste and hugged him.

" alright. Maybe a little."

I said and pulled back.

I felt a hand on my shoulder." You two know each other?"

I turned to him." Oh Steve lighten up. We're good friends."

Steve narrowed his eyebrows at Johnny.

He did the same.

I went in between them, " guys guys, seriously, stop. I'm in a relationship with Steve. So Steve stop being jealous. Johnny stop being jealous cause it'll never happen."

They both rolled their eyes and groaned.

" but what about-"

" no"

" but you said-"


" but-"

" enough Johnny."

A man said.

He has brownish hair with the sides of his hair slowly turning white.

" Reed Richards."

He introduced himself.

" it's a pleasure mr. Richards."

I smirked and shook his hand.

" the pleasure is all mine miss Barton. Your abilities impress me."

I smiled." Thanks. Yours aren't so bad yourself."

He laughed heartily and waved goodbye as he turned to talk to Bruce.

" Ben Grimm."

A gruff low voice said from behind me.

I turned and smiled."hi . Zoe Barton!" I said cheerfully, holding out my hand.

He shook it hesitantly and looked to the ground.

" why aren't you scared of me?" He asked.

I shrugged." Trust me mister Grimm I've fought things ten times the size of you, I've died, come back to life, get tortured, ya know stuff like that. You don't even make me flinch."

He smiled a crooked smile and I nodded to him moving onto Electra.

" hey."

I said smiling at her.

She smiled a ghost of a smile and shook my hand.

" nice to meet you miss-"

" oh God don't call me miss Barton, call me Zoe."

" right sorry Zoe."

I smiled." That's ok."

She leaned in and whispered in my ear." If your an assassin why are you acting like this?"

I smirked." Oh this is just an act. Ill drop it now."

She smirked back and suddenly my face went blank except for the slight spark of mischief in my eyes.

" you'd be a good partner, bandit."

" well that'll have to wait. I'm riding solo at the moment."

I smirked at her and she did the same.

" you guys come on. We have to get ready. We leave in the morning."

Tony yelled.

We nodded to them.

I turned back to her and we shared a secret smile.

" you ready to kick some ass?" I asked.

She smirked.

" oh yes."

I grinned.

" then lets do this.

Assassin style."

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