Chapter 21: Farewell, Shao Tianze

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Song Yunying, the second child of the Song Family,is an attractive woman who is well-known throughout Yuncheng.

Many rich young men know her lovely look.

Therefore, a lot of people come to attend her wedding, especially the successors of Business Families from the upper cla.s.s of Yuncheng.

Few who can't attend also send costly presents by special messenger.

While wearing a beautiful white wedding dress, Song Yunying is laden with anxiety.

Song Yunxuan wears a light purple dress. After praising her sister's beauty in front of the mirror, she turns away with a smiling face. The little dress is not studded with diamonds, but with crystals. A silver-white crystal belt is tied around her waist, which sets off her slender waist and beautiful upper circ.u.mference. She is not only pure, but also s.e.xy.

Young ladies from the upper cla.s.s and the rich young men wander around the wedding hall.

Most of them want to utilize this opportunity to discover some information benefiting them.

Meanwhile, Song Yunxuan is drinking c.o.c.ktail behind an inconspicuous fountain.

The flavor of the c.o.c.ktail opens her taste buds slightly. She lifts her eyes, watching those distant strangers who are familiar to her ever. She raises mouth, a faint sneer played on her lips.

So, will Shao Tianze come?

She wonders if the man whose wife has just died would attend the wedding.

After all, there is a cooperative relationship between Gu Family and Song Family.

Shao Tianze likes to be elegant as well as decent, he always treats everyone with courtesy. Now, he must pretend to mourn for his wife.

While Song Yunxuan is thinking, a murmur comes from the crowd outside.

It is some young girls in gowns. They are whispering at the outdoor manor: "Look! That is Chu Mochen, the heir of the Chu Family."

"What? I heard that he was abroad. So why did he come back?"

"It is said he came back for giving condolence to his old friend."


"Gu Changge, the woman who is still discussed by public even died."

"Are you saying that tigress of Gu Family?"

At this time, people hear a wine gla.s.s cracks with a snap.

Those two talking girls are shocked by the gla.s.s which falls at their feet. Then they wince in a hurry, but are still unable to restrain the liquor from spilling on dresses.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Haven't you got eyes in your head?"

Those two girls say rudely. Although they come from rich and genteel family, their impolite att.i.tude shows their essence.

Song Yunxuan looks down at the broken gla.s.s on the ground and looks up at the two girls.

"I'm sorry. But I just heard you were talking Gu Changge who is died, I'm just a little surprised."

Song Yunxuan's words alerts those two talking girls. They ask, "You are not her relatives?"

Song Yunxuan smiles and says, "No, no, my surname is Song and her surname is Gu. How can we possibly be relatives?"

The two girls think it's reasonable.

One of the girls warns the other: "We should always be careful when discussing Gu Changge in private. After all, although Gu Changge is dead, her husband is alive."

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