Chapter 24: I Won't Get Married

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When Song Yunxuan returns, Song Yunqiang is talking with Song Yan in the living room.

As soon as Song Yan notices her comes back, he frowns: "Haven't you found Childe Chu?"

Song Yunxuan says nothing, instead, Chu Mochen, who is walking beside Song Yunxuan, says with a smile, "Uncle Song." He followed Song Yunxuan and came into the room just now.

Song Yan shows a kind smile at once and stretches out his hand to greet him: "I had thought Yunxuan didn't find you, I was just about to scold her."

Chu Mochen glances at Song Yunxuan who stands beside him. His smile remains unchanged, in which there are love and pity.

Coming up to Song Yan, Chu Mochen exculpates Song Yunxuan, "I met Yunxuan as soon as I went out. We had a few words outside, which delayed the time. Uncle, are you hungry?"

Song Yan makes use of this opportunity to gain his targets, nodding, "Yes. In fact, I am."

Chu Mochen shows great respect towards Song Yan. He always keeps a smile which shows he's a courteous descendant of a n.o.ble family.

Song Yunxuan is in no mood to see him talking and laughing with her father.

After these four people take their seats, the delicacies cooked by Italian chefs are served one by one.

Song Yunxuan feels the goose liver suits her taste so she eats a little more.

At this time, she looks up and finds Chu Mochen staring at her with his clear eyes.

That catches her off guard, then, her throat is choked by the goose liver.

Song Yunxuan starts to cough.

"Yunxuan!" Song Yunqiang's about to pa.s.s a cup of water to her hastily.

However, at this point, Song Yan coughs a little.

Song Yunqiang pauses his hands that hold the water cup and then turns it to another direction stiffly. He picks up the red wine beside him and presents it to Song Yunxuan quickly.

Song Yunxuan is so uncomfortable that she thinks it is water. She gulps down it, only to find that it's wine rather than water.

She wants to spit the wine out but she doesn't. After so many years of gentlewoman-training in Gu Family, she has kept social etiquettes in mind.

To avoid making a fool of herself at the table, she swallows the wine.

In a little while, the wine eases her symptoms, but it also causes a blush rises on her cheeks

As Chu Mochen notices her discomfort, he hands a gla.s.s of water to her.

However, Song Yunqiang reaches his hands out to prevent him.

At this moment, Song Yan says with a smile: "Childe Chu, Yunxuan is a great drinker, and I'll let her drink a toast for you."

Then he says to Yunxuan: "Come on, Yunxuan, fill his gla.s.s."

Song Yunxuan feels that she's about to become a bar-girl of Song Family.

If she were Gu Changge, no one dared ask her to pour wine, unless he has given up the family property.

On the second thought, she knows she's no longer Gu Changge.

"I'm Song Yunxuan." She understands she has to surrender in some special situations. Otherwise, with useless arrogance, she will be thwarted at all places sooner or later.

She steadies her breath, endures discomfort, and then obediently picks up the bottle.

Afterward, she leaves the chair and walks towards Chu Mochen so as to pour wine for him.

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