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 Chapter 75 Song Yunjia's Love

Song Yunjia realizes what has happened after hearing those words.

"You mean that the Xue Family has set up Xuri Construction in secret?"

Shao Tianze shakes his head, takes another sip of coffee and then replies: "They are not satisfied to do it in the dark now. As Xuri Construction is considered as a thorn in their flesh, they start to set up Xuri Construction in a flagrant way."

Song Yunjia frowns and says with disgust: "The Xue Family doesn't have an ideal heir but they do make a lot of trouble."

Then she starts to ridicule Xue Tao's parents that they fail to bring up a great inheritor.

Song Yunjia takes for granted that it was Xue Tao's parents who did it.

Although Shao Tianze has the same guess, he does not say it. He knits his brows and says thoughtfully: "Xue's and Xuri Construction have been in the same industry for more than ten years. Xue's has never deal with Xuri Construction in a so nasty way. I am very confused."

Song Yunjia recognizes that there are some implications in Shao Tianze's words.

As expected, Shao Tianze smiles at her at the next moment: "Your younger sister Song Yunying is very smart, isn't she?"

"My younger sister?"

Song Yunjia is a little surprised. What does he mean?

Shao Tianze nods: "You said that your sister is valued by your father, too. Your father has handed over many industries to her to manage. It is obvious that your sister is actually very good at doing business. She is helpful to the Xue Family since she has married Xue Tao."

Song Yunjia becomes gloomy because of Shao Tianze's guess. Holding the coffee cup in her hands, Song Yunjia frowns: "I will talk to Yunying about this."

Shao Tianze dissuades her: "You may worsen the relationship between you and your sister by doing that. Your sister is already a member of the Xue Family. It is understandable for her to help the Xue Family. I am just your friend. You should not argue with her for me."

Song Yunjia clenches her hands when she hears him say that he is only a friend of her. She stares at Shao Tianze with tenderness: "We have known each other for so many years and we are just friends?"

Seeing that she is serious, Shao Tianze bows his head to look at the ripples in the coffee cup: "What do you think we should be?"

He does not answer her directly. It seems that he has no choice.

Song Yunjia looks at his face and feels that she can't breathe.

She has been his friend for so many years. She has never showed her affection to him.

However, she actually likes him.

She actually wants to let this man know that she likes him.


Shao Tianze looks up.

Song Yunjia, who is heartbroken, shakes her head: "I don't want to be your friends."

"What do you mean?"

Song Yunjia becomes tearful. When he asks that, the seed of love which has been buried in her heart for more than ten years suddenly sprouts and grows.

She stands up quickly, leans her slender body forward, holds Shao Tianze's cheek in her hands and kisses him on the lips. She does it involuntarily.

It seems that the time stops at that moment.

Song Yunjia can't hear anything, see anything or feel anything.

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