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Chapter 64 Ruin Gu Changge's Reputation

When Shao Xue finishes dinner and wants to go back, it is already ten o'clock at night.

Shao Tianze has already made three calls.

The last call was made ten minutes ago. Shao Xue drinks some wine and she feels dizzy.

Shesteps outside supported by people. Xiao Hong does not drink too much. Seeing that Shao Xue is staggering, Xiao Hong pats her face: "Shao Xue, wake up."

Shao Xue waves her hand: "I can drink more!"

Someone says: "Mrs. Xiao, Shao Xue is drunk.It is better to find someone to send her home. It's too late now andnot safe for her to go back alone."

When they are talking, there is a sound of car horn comes from the front.

Shao Xue notices the car and turns to look at it, only to find that the car is a bit familiar.

When she looks at it again, she sees a handsome man in a black long coat with gold-rimmed gla.s.ses getting out from the driver's seat.

Then he frowns and rushes towards her.

Xiao Hong is a little shocked and immediately says: "Mr. Shao, why do you come here?"

"I called ShaoXue, but she has not been answering."

While he is speaking to others, he reaches out to support Shao Xue who is going to stumble.

Xiao Hong smiles awkwardly: "I don't know why, Shao Xue can't stop drinking tonight from the beginning. We originallywant to celebrate her move to a new home. However, she has been drunkunexpectedly."

Shao Tianze nods politely: "Thank you for taking care of her, I will send her home now. Be careful on your way home."

Xiao Hong nods and watches Shao Tianze holding Shao Xue who is staggering get on the Mercedes-Benz car and then leave.

The female employees in the back are all green-eyed: "Why did we see so many golden bachelors tonight?"

"And they all have girlfriends."

Xiao Hong listens to the discussion of these young people and sighs.

Shao Xue does drink a lot. She used to drink a little before, but this time she can't help drinking a few more cups.

When Shao Tianze holds her out of the car, Shao Xue bends and starts to vomit, probably because of the jolt in the car which causes the motion sickness.

Shao Tianze frowns, and there is some coldness and helplessness on his handsome face.

After wiping her lips with tissue, he holds her to the house.

However, Shao Xue hasn't calmed down yet. When she walks, she reaches out and shouts: "Come on! Let's toast to invite the moon!

Sheis reaching out to the sky when she says that.

Shao Tianze is impatient and is going to pull her hand back. In the next second, Shao Xue cries: "Dad, Mom! I'd like to propose a toast to you! In the heaven, please bless me and my brother Tianze."

Shao Tianze stops his hands for a little while. His eyes are gloomy: "Shao Xue, you are drunk. Be quiet. I will hold you upstairs."

Hearing him talking and turning her head, she acts like she has just found him. She throws herself into his arms and cries like a childwho has been deserted: "Brother! Brother! Where have you been these years? Do you know that I have been looking for you for many years? Mom and Dad are dead! I am so scared... I am so scared!"

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