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 Chapter 26: Zhang Xiao Hits People

The layer of haze in Shao Xue's eyesight is suffused with a strong hatred.

Song Yunxuan is quite familiar with that kind of look.

Because when she looks in the mirror, she often sees it in her own eyes.

"Sorry, Mr. Shao had mistaken me, so he followed me to the magazine."

"That's it." Song Yunxuan smiles. "There are too many similar people in the world. He just mistook them for a moment. Did he embarra.s.s you?"

"No, no."

Shao Xue is reluctant to tell the whole story between her and Shao Tianze.

Song Yunxuan is not in a hurry to ask. She nods: "On the first day of work, I hope you will enjoy your stay here."

"Yes, Miss Song. You can rest a.s.sured that I will work hard."

Song Yunxuan smiles and leaves. After returning to the office, she finds the medicine box from the drawer of the office and gives the bandage and disinfectant to the editor who hands in the doc.u.ment to the office. "Pa.s.s these to Shao Xue."

"Miss Song, you are very considerate." Editor Tao Jing can't help praising her.

She smiles and says, "I just took over the magazine company, and I need more advice from you in the future."

"If it were not for Miss Song, all of us would be laid off soon. You bought Zhao Shi to give us the chance to stay here and work. You can rest a.s.sured that I will do a good job."

Song Yunxuan is in a better mood. After Tao Jing leaves, she goes to the French window of the office, observing Shao's office building.

Such a magnificent and tall office building soars into the sky. The whole city of Yuncheng has no higher office buildings than this one.

When sitting in Gu's chairman's chair, would Shao Tianze think about the one who concentrated Gu's rights into his hands?

It's her, Gu Changge.

This man will never think of her.

With a smile on her face, she looks at Gu's building and stretches out her hand.

Then, she curls up her fingers one by one into a fist, narrowing her eyes, as if to firmly grasp the whole Gu company in her palm.

Before leaving work at noon, Song Yunxuan calls nurse w.a.n.g.

Nurse w.a.n.g says that Song Yunqiang has a lunch meeting at noon so that he will not go back home.

Therefore, she can stay at Fanxing magazine with ease.

Call the data acquisition department staff to send her yesterday's news.

After reading several articles, she fixes her sight on the news that Gu Changle, the sister of Gu's former chairman, was discharged from hospital.

After carefully recording the hospital where Gu Changle stayed, and checking and writing down the names of people in charge of the hospital and Gu Changle's chief doctor, she gets up and makes a phone call to the editor-in-chief.

The editor-in-chief picks up the phone and respectfully asks her, "Miss Song, what's the matter?"

"Give all the tasks about Gu's information collection to Shao Xue."

The editor-in-chief hesitates before saying, "Yes, but Miss Song, before it was Zhang Xiao who had been in charge of Gu's information acquisition. If, suddenly, it was handed over to Shao Xue, would it be too difficult for her since Gu's security work is very good."

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